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Digital Access amongst the Marginalized: Democracy and Internet Governance in Rio de Janeiro
PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-05 , DOI: 10.1111/plar.12264
Jeffrey Omari 1

This article examines how new modes of governance and policies intended to expand Internet access unfold in the marginalized communities of Rio de Janeiro. In April 2014, Brazil enacted the Marco Civil da Internet (Civil Rights Framework of the Internet; MCI), an “Internet Bill of Rights” that promotes collaborative, democratic digital governance and regards Internet access as a requisite for civil rights. Rio's favelas (informal, historically low‐income communities) are territories where many of the intended beneficiaries of the access policies live. However, drug gangs often control favela neighborhoods and censor the digital access of residents; this is just one example of how Internet access in disadvantaged communities is tied to a number of broader sociopolitical realities and risks. Because these risks index larger disjunctions in contemporary Brazilian democracy, I propose that violence and informal governance in urban favelas creates a corresponding disjunction in the MCI's pledge of Internet access as a civil right.



本文探讨了旨在扩大互联网访问的新治理模式和政策在里约热内卢边缘化社区中如何展开。2014年4月,巴西颁布了《 Marco Civil da Internet》(互联网民权框架; MCI),这是一项“互联网权利法案”,旨在促进协作,民主的数字治理,并将互联网接入视为公民权利的必要条件。里约的贫民窟(非正式的,历史上低收入的社区)是许多准入政策的预期受益者居住的地区。但是,贩毒团伙经常控制贫民区,并审查居民的数字访问权限。这只是处于不利地位的社区如何将互联网与众多更广泛的社会政治现实和风险联系在一起的一个例子。