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Bounds on Average and Quantile Treatment Effects on Duration Outcomes Under Censoring, Selection, and Noncompliance
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-26 , DOI: 10.1080/07350015.2019.1609975
German Blanco 1 , Xuan Chen 2 , Carlos A. Flores 3 , Alfonso Flores-Lagunes 4


We consider the problem of assessing the effects of a treatment on duration outcomes using data from a randomized evaluation with noncompliance. For such settings, we derive nonparametric sharp bounds for average and quantile treatment effects addressing three pervasive problems simultaneously: self-selection into the spell of interest, endogenous censoring of the duration outcome, and noncompliance with the assigned treatment. Ignoring any of these issues could yield biased estimates of the effects. Notably, the proposed bounds do not impose the independent censoring assumption—which is commonly used to address censoring but is likely to fail in important settings—or exclusion restrictions to address endogeneity of censoring and selection. Instead, they employ monotonicity and stochastic dominance assumptions. To illustrate the use of these bounds we assess the effects of the Job Corps (JC) training program on its participants’ last complete employment spell duration. Our estimated bounds suggest that JC participation may increase the average duration of the last complete employment spell before week 208 after randomization by at least 5.6 log points (5.8%) for individuals who comply with their treatment assignment and experience a complete employment spell whether or not they enrolled in JC. The estimated quantile treatment effects suggest the impacts may be heterogeneous, and strengthen our conclusions based on the estimated average effects.




我们考虑使用来自不合规的随机评估数据来评估治疗对持续时间结局的影响的问题。在这种情况下,我们得出平均和分位数治疗效果的非参数尖锐边界,同时解决三个普遍存在的问题:对目标法术的自我选择,持续时间结果的内生检查以及对指定治疗方法的不依从。忽略这些问题中的任何一个,都可能对效果产生偏见。值得注意的是,建议的范围并没有强加独立的审查假设(通常用于审查,但在重要情况下可能会失败)或排除限制以解决审查和选择的内生性。相反,它们采用单调性和随机支配性假设。为了说明这些界限的使用,我们评估了职业军团(JC)培训计划对其参与者最后一次完整的就业技能持续时间的影响。我们的估计界限表明,对于遵守治疗任务并经历过完整就业经历的个人,在随机分配后的第208周之前,参加JC可能会使最后一次完整就业经历的平均持续时间至少增加5.6个对数点(5.8%)。他们报名参加了JC。估计的分位数治疗效果表明,这些影响可能是异类的,并根据估计的平均效果加强了我们的结论。我们的估计界限表明,对于遵守治疗任务并经历过完整就业经历的个人,随机分配后的第208周之前,JC参与可能会使最后一次完整就业经历的平均持续时间增加至少5.6 log点(5.8%)他们报名参加了JC。估计的分位数治疗效果表明,这些影响可能是异类的,并根据估计的平均效果加强了我们的结论。我们的估计界限表明,对于遵守治疗任务并经历过完整就业经历的个人,在随机分配后的第208周之前,参加JC可能会使最后一次完整就业经历的平均持续时间至少增加5.6个对数点(5.8%)。他们报名参加了JC。估计的分位数治疗效果表明,这些影响可能是异类的,并根据估计的平均效果加强了我们的结论。
