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Portrayals of Immigrants and Refugees in U.S. News Media: Visual Framing and its Effect on Emotions and Attitudes
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08838151.2019.1681860
Scott Parrott , Jennifer Hoewe , Minghui Fan , Keith Huffman

This research explores the effects of visual representations of immigrants and refugees in U.S. news outlets. Study 1 examined news photographs about immigrants and refugees that were shared on Twitter by regional news outlets in all 50 states. Most photos contained either a human interest frame, featuring immigrants and refugees as everyday people, or a political frame, showcasing politicians. Study 2’s experiment determined the effects of these visuals on participants’ emotions and, in turn, their attitudes toward immigrants and refugees. The political frame increased negative emotions, leading to negative attitudes. The human interest frame increased positive emotions, enhancing positive attitudes.



这项研究探讨了美国新闻媒体中移民和难民的视觉表现的影响。研究 1 检查了所有 50 个州的地区新闻媒体在 Twitter 上分享的有关移民和难民的新闻照片。大多数照片要么包含一个人类兴趣框架,将移民和难民描绘成日常生活,要么包含一个政治框架,展示政治家。研究 2 的实验确定了这些视觉效果对参与者情绪的影响,进而影响了他们对移民和难民的态度。政治框架增加了消极情绪,导致消极态度。人类兴趣框架增加了积极情绪,增强了积极态度。