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Islamist Women's Agency and Relational Autonomy
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-26 , DOI: 10.1111/hypa.12402
Ranjoo Seodu Herr

Mainstream conceptions of autonomy have been surreptitiously gender‐specific and masculinist. Feminist philosophers have reclaimed autonomy as a feminist value, while retaining its core ideal as self‐government, by reconceptualizing it as “relational autonomy.” This article examines whether feminist theories of relational autonomy can adequately illuminate the agency of Islamist women who defend their nonliberal religious values and practices and assiduously attempt to enact them in their daily lives. I focus on two notable feminist theories of relational autonomy advanced by Marina Oshana and Andrea Westlund and apply them to the case of Women's Mosque Movement participants in Egypt. I argue that feminist conceptions of relational autonomy, centered around the ideal of self‐government, cannot elucidate the agency of Women's Mosque Movement participants whose normative ideal involves perfecting their moral capacity.



主流的自治概念暗中针对性别和男子气概。女权主义哲学家通过将其重新定义为“关系自治”,将自治作为一种女权主义价值而保留了其核心理想即自治,同时又将其作为一种自治。本文探讨了女权主义的关系自治理论是否可以充分阐明伊斯兰妇女的能力,这些妇女捍卫自己的非自由宗教价值观和习俗,并在日常生活中刻苦地试图使她们成为现实。我主要关注玛丽娜·奥沙纳(Marina Oshana)和安德里亚·韦斯特伦德(Andrea Westlund)提出的两种著名的关系自治女权主义理论,并将其应用于埃及妇女清真寺运动参与者的案例。我认为,以自治的理想为中心的关系自治的女权主义观念不能阐明妇女的代理权。