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Alterity in Simone de Beauvoir and Emmanuel Levinas: From Ambiguity to Ambivalence
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-10 , DOI: 10.1111/hypa.12454
Valerie Giovanini

This article is meant to stage an encounter, a kind of rendezvous, between Emmanuel Levinas and Simone de Beauvoir regarding how alterity seems to enable an ethical relation for Levinas while closing one for Beauvoir. I will argue that Beauvoir's reading of Levinas on “the other” is not a charitable one, and the ethical ambivalence in Levinas's notion of alterity can motivate the praxis Beauvoir seeks for undoing social forms of oppression. I will start with Beauvoir's interpretation of alterity as “feminine otherness” in Levinas's ethics that, for her, originates in the violent perspective of male privilege. Then I will move to Levinas's response to this critique in a set of interviews with Philip Nemo, and to consideration of how a more charitable reading of alterity, understood as a sort of ambivalence in the structure of subjectivity, creates a close proximity between Levinas's and Beauvoir's ethics of action. I contend that both Beauvoir and Levinas respectively developed their ethics of action, either of ambiguity or of ambivalent alterity, in order to free thought from the absolute seriousness with which normative standards are held.



本文旨在在伊曼纽尔·莱维纳斯和西蒙娜·德·波伏娃之间进行一次会面,讨论改变似乎如何为莱维纳斯带来道德关系,同时关闭波伏瓦。我将争辩说,波伏娃对列维纳斯的“另一者”解读不是一种慈善行为,而列维纳斯改变观念中的伦理矛盾性可能会激发波伏瓦寻求消除社会压迫的实践。我将首先从波伏娃将变化解释为列维纳斯伦理学中的“女性差异”,对她而言,起源于男性特权的暴力视角。然后,我将在与菲利普·尼莫(Philip Nemo)进行的一系列访谈中,探讨列维纳斯(Levinas)对这一批评的回应,并考虑如何更慈善地解读变化,被理解为一种主观性结构上的矛盾,在列维纳斯和波伏娃的行动伦理之间产生了紧密的联系。我认为,波伏娃和列维纳斯都分别发展了自己的行为伦理,无论是模棱两可还是模棱两可的改变,都是为了使人们摆脱对规范标准的绝对重视。