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The Diremption of Love: Gillian Rose on Agency, Mortality, and Hegelian Feminism
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1111/hypa.12471
Asaf Angermann

Gillian Rose (1947–1995) was an influential though idiosyncratic British philosopher whose work helped introduce the Frankfurt School's critical theory and renew interest in Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Jewish thought in Anglo‐American philosophy. After years of relative oblivion, her life and thought have recently received new attention in philosophy, sociology, and theology. However, her work's critical Hegelian contribution to feminist philosophy still remains unexplored. This article seeks to reassess the place and the meaning of feminism and gender identity in Rose's work by addressing both her philosophical writings and her personal memoir, written in the months preceding her untimely death. It argues that although Rose's overall work was not developed in a feminist context, her philosophy, and in particular her ethical‐political notion of diremption, is valuable for developing a critical feminist philosophy that overcomes the binaries of law and morality, inclusion and exclusion, power and powerlessness—and focuses on the meaning of love as negotiating, rather than mediating, these oppositions.


爱的冲动:吉莉安·罗斯(Gillian Rose)谈代理,死亡率和黑格尔女性主义

吉利安·罗斯(Gillian Rose,1947–1995年)是一位颇有影响力但特质的英国哲学家,他的工作帮助介绍了法兰克福学派的批判理论,并重新激发了对黑格尔,基尔凯郭尔和英美哲学中犹太思想的兴趣。经过多年的相对遗忘,她的生活和思想最近在哲学,社会学和神学领域得到了新的关注。但是,她的作品对黑格尔主义对女权主义哲学的批判性贡献仍未被探索。本文旨在通过探讨罗斯过世去世前几个月的哲学著作和个人回忆录,重新评估女权主义和性别认同在女权主义中的地位和意义。它认为,尽管罗斯的整体工作不是在女权主义背景下发展的,但她的哲学,