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Becoming-friend and the limits of care in refugee resettlement
Emotion, Space and Society ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2020.100733
Ryan Frazer

Abstract The resettlement of refugees catalyses complex geographies of care, friendship and community. LocalHouse is a non-government, volunteer-run organisation that is entangled deeply in these resettlement geographies. It offers what it describes as ‘friendship-based support’ to refugees arriving in Wattle City through Australia's formal humanitarian program. This paper seeks to understand the everyday geographies of care that emerge through the organisationally-mediated encounters between new arrivals and more settled city residents. I draw on Deleuze's and Guattari's analytics of ‘lines’—molar lines, molecular lines and lines of flight—to chart the delimited territories of care that are formed and unformed through LocalHouse's friendship-based programs. Developing detailed portraits of three LocalHouse volunteers, I chart the ways they articulated the ‘limits’ to care in their encounters with refugees. I suggest that a focus on the limits of care can shed light on the formation, contestation and transformation of the always-delimited subjectivities and territories that formal resettlement programs can catalyse. Where these limits lie is not predetermined, however, but rather always in the process of being immanently produced and, at times, exceeded and made again.



摘要 难民的重新安置促进了关怀、友谊和社区的复杂地理。LocalHouse 是一个非政府的、由志愿者运营的组织,与这些重新安置的地理环境有着密切的联系。它通过澳大利亚的正式人道主义计划为抵达沃特尔市的难民提供所谓的“基于友谊的支持”。本文旨在了解通过新移民和更多定居的城市居民之间以组织为媒介的相遇而出现的日常护理地理。我利用德勒兹和加塔里对“线”的分析——磨牙线、分子线和飞行线——来绘制通过 LocalHouse 的基于友谊的计划形成和未形成的划定护理区域。制作三位 LocalHouse 志愿者的详细肖像,我描绘了他们在遇到难民时阐明“限制”的方式。我建议关注照料的局限性可以阐明正式的重新安置计划可以催化的始终限定的主体和领土的形成、争论和转变。然而,这些限制所在的位置不是预先确定的,而是始终处于内在产生的过程中,有时会被超越并再次制造。