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Attuning to wild atmospheres: Reflections on wildness as feeling
Emotion, Space and Society ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2020.100711
Phillip Vannini , April Vannini

Abstract Drawing from our fieldwork conducted at three Canadian parks inscribed as Natural on the UNESCO World Heritage list (Kluane National Park, Dinosaur Provincial Park, and Wood Buffalo National Park) this paper describes wildness as an atmosphere. Through three ethnographic vignettes we paint a picture of wildness as a kind of ephemeral and uncontrollable event that can be felt and sensed, something that can be affected by a more-than-human life and something that can affect a more-than human life. Rather than thinking of wildness as a concept marked by absence—the absence of people, the absence of development, the absence of human history and society—we describe wildness as a presence. In doing so we re-envision wildness as the expression of the vitality of the sacred: a vitalist, life-giving energy that transcends human nature, a vitalist energy worthy of respect and honour. As ethnographic moments highlight, at times these vital energies are present and obvious, but at other times they are mere possibilities, speculations, implications, gestures suspended between presence and absence, vital forces of natures acting almost in excess of human comprehension and demanding careful attunement.



摘要 根据我们在三个被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产名录的自然公园(克卢恩国家公园、恐龙省立公园和伍德布法罗国家公园)进行的实地调查,本文将野性描述为一种氛围。通过三个民族志小插曲,我们将野性描绘成一种可以被感觉和感知的转瞬即逝和无法控制的事件,可以受到超人类生活的影响,也可以影响超人类生活。与其将野性视为一个以缺席为标志的概念——人的缺席、发展的缺席、人类历史和社会的缺席——我们将野性描述为一种存在。在此过程中,我们重新将野性视为神圣生命力的表达:一种超越人性的生机勃勃的、赋予生命的能量,一种值得尊重和荣誉的活力能量。正如民族志时刻所强调的那样,有时这些生命能量是存在且显而易见的,但有时它们只是可能性、推测、暗示、在存在与不存在之间悬浮的姿态、自然的生命力几乎超出人类的理解范围并需要仔细调整.