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Five days of swirling fury: Emotion and memory in newspaper anniversary reports of the 1974 Queensland floods
Emotion, Space and Society ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2020.100685
Scott McKinnon , Margaret Cook

Abstract The news media has an important role to play in constructing and maintaining memories of disasters. This paper examines newspaper reporting on the anniversaries of significant disaster events. In particular, the article focusses on the role of emotions in reporting of a devastating flood in the Queensland cities of Brisbane and Ipswich in 1974. The paper traces anniversary reporting in newspapers from 1975 until 2010, the year before another substantial flood hit both cities. We argue that, by ascribing particular emotions to various actors within the floods, the media set boundaries around possible responses to future disasters and failed to address changing social, environmental and political contexts. Given the likelihood of increased flood risk due to a changing climate, and in the context of government policies which define disaster management as a shared responsibility across the public and private sectors, the paper calls for more active forms of media memory-making which more effectively increase community resilience.


五天的愤怒:1974 年昆士兰洪水的报纸周年纪念报道中的情感和记忆

摘要 新闻媒体在构建和维护灾害记忆方面发挥着重要作用。本文考察了报纸对重大灾难事件周年纪念的报道。这篇文章特别关注情绪在 1974 年昆士兰城市布里斯班和伊普斯威奇发生毁灭性洪水中的作用。这篇论文追溯了 1975 年至 2010 年报纸上的周年纪念报道,也就是另一场大规模洪水袭击这两个城市的前一年。我们认为,通过将特定情绪归因于洪水中的各个参与者,媒体为未来灾难的可能反应设定了界限,而未能解决不断变化的社会、环境和政治背景。鉴于气候变化可能会增加洪水风险,