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Failures of interest
Emotion, Space and Society ( IF 1.837 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2020.100670
Ben Anderson

Abstract What kind of failure is it to lose interest and detach from a project, empirical scene, or cause? Should we always stay interested in our work and attempt to interest others? Through discussion of two ongoing but perhaps failed projects alongside reflection on various failures over my career, I explore the relationship between affects of failure and the event and relation of interest. Staying with the non-evental dynamics of the ordinary failures that accumulate in the background to all academic lives, I explore how losing interest or not holding interest relates to and expresses the attachments and detachments we have to academic life. Via these reflections, I argue that we should pay attention to those ordinary failures – like losing interest - that don't quite fit with institutionally named and collectively recognised events of failure – a rejected paper or grant, for example.



摘要 失去兴趣并脱离项目、经验场景或原因是一种什么样的失败?我们是否应该始终对我们的工作保持兴趣并试图引起他人的兴趣?通过对两个正在进行但可能失败的项目的讨论以及对我职业生涯中各种失败的反思,我探索了失败的影响与事件和兴趣关系之间的关系。与在所有学术生活背景中积累的普通失败的非事件动态保持一致,我探索失去兴趣或不感兴趣如何与我们对学术生活的依恋和分离有关并表达出来。通过这些反思,我认为我们应该关注那些普通的失败——比如失去兴趣——