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Beyond-human research: Negotiating silence, anger & failure in multispecies worlds
Emotion, Space and Society ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.emospa.2020.100686
Catherine Oliver

Abstract In this intervention piece, I attempt to understand the role of anger and silence in creating beyond-human multispecies worlds always involving or ending in failures. Drawing on vignettes from archival, autoethnographic and interview research, this paper explores how silence and anger are entangled political forces implicated within failures of caring for animals in worlds that do not. Exploring the disrupted worlds of vegans; human-chicken relationships; and histories of anger within animal activism, the coalescing of silenced angers and angry silences in beyond-human research are considered here as part of flourishing failures necessary to transforming worlds. By attending to the role of failure as necessary within beyond-human research process, I explore the implications of silence and anger as a failure of mutual flourishing, where more often the focus is on successful becoming-togethers.



摘要 在这篇干预文章中,我试图理解愤怒和沉默在创造超越人类的多物种世界中的作用,这些世界总是以失败告终。本文利用档案、自人民族志和访谈研究中的小插曲,探讨沉默和愤怒如何与政治力量纠缠在一起,这些政治力量与在没有照料动物的世界中照顾动物的失败有关。探索被破坏的纯素食者世界;人与鸡的关系;和动物激进主义中的愤怒历史,在超越人类的研究中,沉默的愤怒和愤怒的沉默的结合在这里被认为是改变世界所必需的繁荣失败的一部分。通过关注超越人类研究过程中失败的必要作用,我探索了沉默和愤怒作为相互繁荣失败的含义,