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An upper limit on the initial temperature of the radiation-dominated Universe
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/01/041
Betty X. Hu 1 , Abraham Loeb 2

Gravitational waves (GWs) are produced by colliding particles through the gravitational analogue of electromagnetic bremsstrahlung. We calculate the contribution of free-free emission in the radiation-dominated Universe to the stochastic GW background. We find that the energy density of the resulting GW radiation is heavily dependent on the number of elementary particles, Ntot, and the maximum initial temperature, Tmax. We rule out Ntot ≳ 102 × NSM for Tmax ∼ TPlanck ≈ 1019 GeV and Ntot ≳ 1016 × NSM for Tmax ∼ 1016 GeV, where NSM is the number of particles in the Standard Model. In the case of inflation, existing cosmological data constrain Tmax ≲ 1016 GeV . However, alternative models to inflation such as bouncing cosmologies allow for Tmax near TPlanck. At the energy scales we are considering, the extra number of particles arise naturally in models of extra dimensions.



引力波(GWs)是通过电磁致引力的碰撞模拟碰撞粒子而产生的。我们计算了辐射主导的宇宙中自由自由发射对随机GW背景的贡献。我们发现,产生的GW辐射的能量密度在很大程度上取决于基本粒子的数量,ñ TOT,以及最高初始温度, Ť最大。我们排除N tot  ≳ 10 2  ×  N SM 为了 Ť最大 〜  Ť普朗克 &约; 10 19 GeV和 N tot  ≳ 10 16  ×  N SM 为了 Ť最大 〜10 16 GeV,哪里 N SM是标准模型中的粒子数。在通货膨胀的情况下,现有的宇宙学数据会受到限制Ť最大值 ≲ 10 16GeV。但是,通货膨胀的替代模型(例如反弹宇宙学)允许Ť最大 靠近 Ť普朗克。在我们正在考虑的能量尺度上,额外的粒子自然会在额外尺寸的模型中自然产生。
