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Urban Retail Food Environments: Relative Availability and Prominence of Exhibition of Healthy vs. Unhealthy Foods at Supermarkets in Buenos Aires, Argentina
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Pub Date : 2021-01-22 , DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18030944
Natalia Elorriaga , Daniela L. Moyano , María V. López , Ana S. Cavallo , Laura Gutierrez , Camila B. Panaggio , Vilma Irazola

There is growing evidence that the food environment can influence diets. The present study aimed to assess the relative availability and prominence of healthy foods (HF) versus unhealthy products (UP) in supermarkets in Buenos Aires, Argentina and to explore differences by retail characteristics and neighborhood income level. We conducted store audits in 32 randomly selected food retails. Food availability (presence/absence, ratio of cumulative linear shelf length for HF vs. UP) and prominence inside the store (location visibility) were measured based on the International Network for Food and Obesity/NCDs Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS) protocol. On average, for every 1 m of shelf length for UP, there was about 25 cm of shelf length for HF (HF/UP ratio: 0.255, SD 0.130). UP were more frequently available in high-prominence store areas (31/32 retails) than HF (9/32 retails). Shelf length ratio differed across commercial chains (p = 0.0268), but not by store size or type. Retails in the lower-income neighborhoods had a lower HF/UP ratio than those in the higher-income neighborhoods (p = 0.0329). Availability of the selected HF was overcome largely by the UP, particularly in high prominence areas, and in neighborhoods with lower income level, which may pose an opportunity for public health interventions.



越来越多的证据表明食物环境会影响饮食。本研究旨在评估阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯超市中健康食品(HF)与不健康产品(UP)的相对供应量和突出度,并探讨零售特征和邻里收入水平之间的差异。我们对32个随机选择的食品零售店进行了商店审核。根据国际食品和肥胖症网络/非传染性疾病研究,监测和行动支持(INFORMAS)测量食品的可获得性(存在/不存在,HF相对于UP的累积线性货架长度之比)和商店内的显着性(位置可见性)。协议。平均而言,对于UP,每隔1 m的搁板长度,对于HF而言,搁板长度约为25 cm(HF / UP比率:0.255,SD为0.130)。在高知名度商店区域(31/32零售)比HF(9/32零售)更频繁地使用UP。货架长度比率在各个商业链中都不同(p = 0.0268),但不是按商店规模或类型划分。与高收入社区相比,低收入社区的零售具有较低的HF / UP比(p = 0.0329)。UP在很大程度上克服了选定HF的可用性,特别是在突出地区和收入水平较低的社区,这可能为公共卫生干预提供了机会。