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Effect of the El Niño Decaying Pace on the East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation Pattern during Post-El Niño Summers
Atmosphere ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-22 , DOI: 10.3390/atmos12020140
Wenping Jiang , Gen Li , Gongjie Wang

El Niño events vary from case to case with different decaying paces. In this study, we demonstrate that the different El Niño decaying paces have distinct impacts on the East Asian monsoon circulation pattern during post-El Niño summers. For fast decaying (FD) El Niño summers, a large-scale anomalous anticyclone dominates over East Asia and the North Pacific from subtropical to mid-latitude; whereas, the East Asian monsoon circulation display a dipole pattern with anomalous northern cyclone and southern anticyclone for slow decaying (SD) El Niño summers. The difference in anomalous East Asian monsoon circulation patterns was closely associated with the sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly patterns in the tropics. In FD El Niño summers, the cold SST anomalies in the tropical central-eastern Pacific and warm SST anomalies in the Maritime Continent induce the anticyclone anomalies over the Northwest Pacific. In contrast, the warm Kelvin wave anchored over the tropical Indian Ocean during SD El Niño summers plays a crucial role in sustaining the anticyclone anomalies over the Northwest Pacific. In particular, the opposite atmospheric circulation anomaly patterns over Northeast Asia and the mid-latitude North Pacific are mainly modulated by the stationary Rossby wave trains triggered by the opposite SST anomalies in the tropical eastern Pacific during FD and SD El Niño summers. Finally, the effect of distinct summer monsoon circulation patterns associated with the El Niño decay pace on the summer climate over East Asia are also discussed.



厄尔尼诺事件因情况而异,衰减的步伐也不同。在这项研究中,我们证明了不同的厄尔尼诺现象衰减速度对厄尔尼诺事件后夏季的东亚季风环流模式有不同的影响。在厄尔尼诺现象的快速衰减(FD)夏季,从亚热带到中纬度,东亚和北太平洋地区盛行着大规模的反反气旋。相反,东亚季风环流表现为偶极子模式,北半球气旋异常,南半球反气旋异常,导致厄尔尼诺现象缓慢减弱。东亚季风异常环流模式的差异与热带地区的海表温度(SST)异常模式密切相关。在FD ElNiño的夏天,热带中东部太平洋的冷SST异常和海陆大陆的暖SST异常诱发了西北太平洋的反气旋异常。相比之下,在SD厄尔尼诺现象夏季,锚定在热带印度洋上的开尔文暖波在维持西北太平洋反气旋异常方面起着至关重要的作用。特别是,在FD和SD ElNiño夏季,热带东太平洋相反的SST异常触发了东北亚和北纬中纬度北太平洋相反的大气环流异常模式,主要由静止的Rossby波列调制。最后,还讨论了与厄尔尼诺现象衰减步伐有关的独特夏季风环流模式对东亚夏季气候的影响。