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COVID-19, suicide, and femicide: Rapid Research using Google search phrases
The Journal of General Psychology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-22
Katerina Standish


Psychologist Eric Miller of Kent State University has termed COVID-19 “the Loss and Trauma Event of Our Time.” In this paper, I would like to problematize the public health response to the virus outbreak in light of two consequential and preventable traumas that shadow the COVID-19 calamity: femicide and suicide. As public health reaction to the pandemic is seen to negatively increase rates of domestic violence and suicidality this research accessed rapidly available data using Google Date Range analysis by utilizing queries from pre- and post-pandemic comprising the months of March-August in the years 2019 and 2020. The aim of this rapid-response research is to glimpse the possible presence of psychological stress in online searches that relate to debilitation in the four foundational strata of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human needs (basic and psychological needs). To search basic needs related to COVID-19 the following categories were utilized in online search phrases in Google (US): precarity and insecurity. To search basic and psychological needs related to suicide the following categories were utilized in online search phrases in Google (US): despondency and helplessness. Finally, to search basic and psychological needs related to femicide the following categories were utilized in online search phrases in Google (US): indicative male violence and intentional male violence. Results show an overwhelming upsurge from all six categories from 31% to 106%.




肯特州立大学的心理学家埃里克·米勒(Eric Miller)将COVID-19称为“我们时代的损失和创伤事件”。在本文中,我想针对两种导致COVID-19灾难的后果性和可预防的创伤,即对杀害妇女的自杀和自杀,质疑对病毒爆发的公共卫生应对措施。由于人们对大流行的公共卫生反应被认为不利地增加了家庭暴力和自杀的可能性,因此该研究利用Google Date Range分析访问了大流行前后的查询,这些查询包括2019年3月至8月的大流行,从而迅速获取了可用数据。和2020年。这项快速反应研究的目的是了解与马斯洛人类需求(基本需求和心理需求)体系的四个基本层次中与衰弱相关的在线搜索中可能存在的心理压力。为了搜索与COVID-19相关的基本需求,在Google(美国)的在线搜索短语中使用了以下类别:不稳定不安全感。为了搜索与自杀相关的基本和心理需求,在Google(美国)的在线搜索短语中使用了以下类别:沮丧无助。最后,为了搜索与杀害女性有关的基本和心理需求,在Google(美国)的在线搜索短语中使用了以下类别:指示性男性暴力故意性男性暴力。结果显示,所有六个类别的热潮都从31%激增至106%。
