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Blue‐stain fungi isolated from freshly felled Scots pine logs in Poland, including Leptographium sosnaicola sp. nov
Forest Pathology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-22 , DOI: 10.1111/efp.12672
Robert Jankowiak 1 , Grzegorz Szewczyk 2 , Piotr Bilański 1 , Dominika Jazłowiecka 1 , Beata Harabin 1 , Riikka Linnakoski 3

Wounds on felled tree stems provide entrance to inner wood for many fungi, including blue‐staining fungi, which cause permanent discoloration of wood. The aim of work presented here was to explore the diversity of blue‐stain fungi and assess the influence of the felling method and storage time/sampling period on their abundance and species diversity. Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris) grown in Poland were cut in April and July 2016, and fungal isolations from 20 stained logs that were obtained by mechanized harvesting and chainsaw harvesting, were carried out 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks after felling. In total, eight fungal taxa were identified, including seven known and one novel species. Among the blue‐staining fungi detected, seven taxa belonged to Ophiostomatales, and one was identified as Sphaeropsis sapinea. The most frequently isolated fungi were S. sapinea, Ophiostoma minus and Ophiostoma ips. Additionally, Graphilbum acuminatum, Leptographium sosnaicola sp. nov., O. floccosum, O. piliferum and Sporothrix eucastaneae were found. More fungal isolates were obtained from summer‐harvested logs than spring‐harvested logs and from chainsaw‐harvested logs than mechanically harvested logs.


从波兰新鲜砍伐的苏格兰松树原木中分离出的蓝染色真菌,包括茄形雪茄(Leptographium sosnaicola sp。)。十一月

砍伐的树茎上的伤口为许多真菌(包括蓝染真菌)提供了进入内部木材的通道,这些真菌会导致木材永久变色。此处提出的工作目的是探索蓝染真菌的多样性,并评估采伐方法和存储时间/采样时间对其蓝白真菌的丰度和物种多样性的影响。在波兰生长的苏格兰松树(Pinus sylvestris)于2016年4月和2016年7月被砍伐,砍伐后第3、6、9和12周对通过机械收割和电锯收割获得的20根染色原木进行了真菌分离。总共鉴定出八种真菌类群,其中包括七种已知物种和一种新物种。在检测到的蓝色染色真菌中,有七个类目属于蛇口目,其中一个被鉴定为鞘脂鞘脂。最常见的真菌是沙链霉菌(S. sapinea)眼蛇眼Ophiostoma)ipophostoma ips。另外,Graphilbum acuminatumLeptographium sosnaicola sp。十一月,O.癣菌O. piliferum孢子丝eucastaneae被发现。从夏季收获的原木中获得的真菌分离物要多于春季收获的原木,从链锯中获得的真菌分离物要多于机械收获的原木。