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Fatigue assessment of EA4T railway axles under artificial surface damage
International Journal of Fatigue ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2021.106157
Jie-Wei Gao , Guang-Ze Dai , Qiu-Ze Li , Min-Nan Zhang , Shun-Peng Zhu , José A.F.O. Correia , Grzegorz Lesiuk , Abílio M.P. De Jesus

Foreign object damage (FOD) introduced in service, indentations, and nicks encountered during maintenance are typical defects leading to pre-scrap of high-speed railway axles. A comprehensive assessment of the influence of these defects on the structural integrity of axles is critical for ensuring their operation safety with low maintenance costs. Three types of defects were produced artificially on specimens extracted from EA4T axles, electronic discharge machine (EDM) crater, indentation via compressing balls, and FOD by tungsten steel balls and cubes. Rotating bending fatigue tests were performed for fatigue strength evaluation of smooth and defected specimens. Morphologies of defects and fracture surfaces were studied. EDM defect surface is rough and the secondary notches are the fatigue crack initiation sites, while fatigue crack of indented and impacted specimens initiates from the sharp point of defect rims. Fatigue strength of specimens with indentation or tungsten ball impact damage is superior to that of EDM specimens and cubical projectile impacted specimens under the same depth. A large dispersion was found in the shape of impact damages by cubic projectiles and scattered fatigue strength as a consequence. Except for the defect depth, other parameters including produce modes and shape of the defect, should be considered to give a reliable evaluation on the fatigue strength of defected specimens.



