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Seismic imaging of Northwest Pacific and East Asia: New insight into volcanism, seismogenesis and geodynamics
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103507
Dapeng Zhao

Recent studies on seismic imaging of the Northwest Pacific and East Asian region are reviewed. High-resolution tomographic images reveal significant lateral heterogeneities in the crust and upper mantle, which shed new light on interplate and intraplate volcanism, earthquake mechanism, and mantle dynamics. Significant recent advances in seismic imaging are tomographic inversions for 3-D distribution of seismic anisotropy and attenuation in the crust and upper mantle, which provide important new information on lithospheric deformation, mantle convection, melts and fluids associated with plate subductions and mantle dynamics. The results show that intraplate volcanism in NE Asia is caused by hot and wet upwelling flows in the big mantle wedge above the stagnant Pacific slab in the mantle transition zone. The subducting Pacific and Philippine Sea slabs exhibit mainly trench-parallel fast-velocity directions (FVDs) of azimuthal anisotropy, which may reflect frozen-in lattice-preferred orientation of aligned anisotropic minerals and/or shape-preferred orientation, such as transform faults formed at the mid-ocean ridge and normal faults produced at the outer-rise area near the trench axis. Trench-normal FVDs are generally revealed in the mantle wedge under the volcanic front and back-arc region, which may reflect corner flows in the mantle wedge due to the plate subduction and dehydration. Trench-normal FVDs also appear in the subslab mantle, which may reflect asthenospheric shear deformation associated with the overlying slab subduction. The nucleation of large earthquakes, including both crustal and megathrust events, is controlled by structural heterogeneities in and around seismogenic faults. The cause of deep-focus earthquakes is a subject of ongoing debate. A recent example is the 2015 Bonin deep earthquake (M 7.9, ~670 km depth), which was probably caused by joint effects of several factors, including the Pacific slab's fast deep subduction, slab tearing and thermal variation, stress changes and phase transformations in the slab, and complex interactions between the slab and ambient mantle. The key to future advances in seismic imaging is instrumentation. Gradual deployment of seismometers on seafloors and in those less instrumented land areas will be the most important task for seismologists from now. For this purpose, international cooperation of seismologists in different countries will be necessary



综述了西北太平洋和东亚地区地震成像的最新研究。高分辨率的层析成像图像揭示了地壳和上地幔的明显横向异质性,为板间和板内火山作用,地震机制和地幔动力学提供了新的思路。地震成像方面的最新重大进展是用于地震各向异性的3-D分布的层析成像反演以及地壳和上地幔的衰减,这为岩石圈变形,地幔对流,融化和与板块俯冲和地幔动力学相关的流体提供了重要的新信息。结果表明,亚洲东北部板内火山活动是由地幔过渡带中停滞的太平洋板块上方的大地幔楔中的湿热上升流引起的。俯冲的太平洋板块和菲律宾板块主要表现出方位角各向异性的平行于沟槽的快速方向(FVDs),这可能反映了取向各向异性矿物的晶格优先取向和/或形状优先取向的冻结取向,例如形成的断层。在大洋中脊上,在沟渠轴线附近的外上升区产生了正常断层。通常在火山前弧区和后弧区下方的地幔楔中显示出沟槽法线FVD,这可能反映了由于板块俯冲和脱水而导致的地幔楔角流。沟槽法线FVDs也出现在板下地幔中,这可能反映出与上覆板俯冲有关的软流圈剪切变形。包括地壳和巨推力事件在内的大地震的形核,它受发震断层内部和周围的构造异质性控制。深层地震的成因一直是争论的主题。最近的一个例子是2015年的波宁深地震(M 7.9,约670 km深),这可能是由多种因素共同作用造成的,包括太平洋板块的快速深俯冲,板块的撕裂和热变化,应力变化和相变。平板,以及平板和周围地幔之间的复杂相互作用。仪器仪表是地震成像未来发展的关键。从现在起,在海底和仪器设备较少的陆地上逐步部署地震仪将是地震学家最重要的任务。为此,有必要在不同国家进行地震学家的国际合作 深层地震的成因一直是争论的主题。最近的一个例子是2015年的波宁深地震(M 7.9,约670 km深),这可能是由多种因素共同作用造成的,包括太平洋板块的快速深俯冲,板块的撕裂和热变化,应力变化和相变。平板,以及平板和周围地幔之间的复杂相互作用。仪器仪表是地震成像未来发展的关键。从现在起,在海底和仪器设备较少的陆地上逐步部署地震仪将是地震学家最重要的任务。为此,有必要在不同国家进行地震学家的国际合作 深层地震的成因一直是争论的主题。最近的一个例子是2015年的波宁深地震(M 7.9,约670 km深),这可能是由多种因素共同作用造成的,包括太平洋板块的快速深俯冲,板块的撕裂和热变化,应力变化和相变。平板,以及平板和周围地幔之间的复杂相互作用。仪器仪表是地震成像未来发展的关键。从现在起,在海底和仪器设备较少的陆地上逐步部署地震仪将是地震学家最重要的任务。为此,有必要在不同国家进行地震学家的国际合作 约670 km的深度),可能是由多种因素共同作用造成的,包括太平洋板块的快速深俯冲,板块的撕裂和热变化,板块的应力变化和相变以及板块与周围地幔之间的复杂相互作用。仪器仪表是地震成像未来发展的关键。从现在起,在海底和仪器设备较少的陆地上逐步部署地震仪将是地震学家最重要的任务。为此,有必要在不同国家进行地震学家的国际合作 约670 km的深度),可能是由多种因素共同作用造成的,包括太平洋板块的快速深俯冲,板块的撕裂和热变化,板块的应力变化和相变以及板块与周围地幔之间的复杂相互作用。仪器仪表是地震成像未来发展的关键。从现在起,在海底和仪器设备较少的陆地上逐步部署地震仪将是地震学家最重要的任务。为此,有必要在不同国家进行地震学家的国际合作 平板与周围地幔之间的复杂相互作用。仪器仪表是地震成像未来发展的关键。从现在起,在海底和仪器设备较少的陆地上逐步部署地震仪将是地震学家最重要的任务。为此,有必要在不同国家进行地震学家的国际合作 平板与周围地幔之间的复杂相互作用。仪器仪表是地震成像未来发展的关键。从现在起,在海底和仪器设备较少的陆地上逐步部署地震仪将是地震学家最重要的任务。为此,有必要在不同国家进行地震学家的国际合作
