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Spatiotemporal Modelling of Water Balance Components in Response to Climate and Landuse Changes in a Heterogeneous Mountainous Catchment
Water Resources Management ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11269-020-02735-w
Negar Tayebzadeh Moghadam , Karim C. Abbaspour , Bahram Malekmohammadi , Mario Schirmer , Ahmad Reza Yavari

Landuse change and climate change are the main drivers of hydrological processes. The purpose of this study was to analyse the separate and combined future effects of climate and landuse changes on water balance components on different spatial and temporal scales using the integrated hydrological Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. The study focused on the changes and relationship between water yield (WYLD) and sediment yield (SYLD) in the heterogeneous Taleghan Catchment in Iran. For future climate scenarios, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 of GFDL-ESM2M GCM were used for 2020–2040. A Markov chain model was used to predict landuse change in the catchment. The results indicated an increase in precipitation and evapotranspiration. The findings also showed that the relationship between WYLD and SYLD is direct and synergic. Climate change has a stronger effect on WYLD than landuse change, whereas landuse change has a stronger effect on SYLD. The conversion of rangelands to barren land is the most critical landuse change that could increase SYLD. The highest increase in WYLD and SYLD in scenario RCP4.5 resulted from the combined effects of climate and landuse change. We estimated WYLD of about 295 mm and SYLD of around 17 t/ha. The proposed methodology is universal and can be applied to similar settings to identify the most vulnerable regions. This can help prioritize management strategies to improve water and soil management in watersheds.



土地利用变化和气候变化是水文过程的主要驱动力。这项研究的目的是使用综合水文土壤和水评估工具模型,分析气候和土地利用变化对不同时空尺度上水平衡组成的单独和组合的未来影响。这项研究的重点是伊朗非均质塔格勒汗集水区的水产量(WYLD)和沉积物产量(SYLD)之间的变化及其关系。对于未来的气候情景,GFDL-ESM2M GCM的RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5用于2020-2040年。马尔可夫链模型用于预测集水区的土地利用变化。结果表明降水和蒸散量增加。研究结果还表明,WYLD和SYLD之间的关系是直接和协同的。气候变化对WYLD的影响要大于土地利用变化,而土地利用变化对SYLD的影响更大。牧场向荒地的转化是最重要的土地利用变化,可能会增加SYLD。在情景RCP4.5中,WYLD和SYLD的增幅最大是由于气候和土地利用变化的综合影响。我们估计WYLD约为295毫米,SYLD约为17吨/公顷。所提出的方法是通用的,可以应用于相似的环境来确定最脆弱的地区。这可以帮助确定管理策略的优先级,以改善流域的水土管理。在情景RCP4.5中,WYLD和SYLD的增幅最大是由于气候和土地利用变化的综合影响。我们估计WYLD约为295毫米,SYLD约为17吨/公顷。所提出的方法是通用的,可以应用于相似的环境来确定最脆弱的地区。这可以帮助确定管理策略的优先级,以改善流域的水土管理。在情景RCP4.5中,WYLD和SYLD的增幅最大是由于气候和土地利用变化的综合影响。我们估计WYLD约为295毫米,SYLD约为17吨/公顷。所提出的方法是通用的,可以应用于相似的环境来确定最脆弱的地区。这可以帮助确定管理策略的优先级,以改善流域的水土管理。
