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Deep aspirations: towards a sustainable offshore Blue Economy
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s11160-020-09628-6
Camilla Novaglio 1, 2, 3 , Narissa Bax 2, 3 , Fabio Boschetti 4 , Gholam Reza Emad 5 , Stewart Frusher 2, 3 , Liam Fullbrook 2, 6 , Mark Hemer 1 , Sarah Jennings 2 , Ingrid van Putten 1, 2 , Lucy M Robinson 4, 7 , Erica Spain 3 , Joanna Vince 2, 8 , Michelle Voyer 9 , Graham Wood 2, 10 , Elizabeth A Fulton 1, 2


The ocean economy is experiencing rapid growth that will provide benefits but will also pose environmental and social risks. With limited space and degraded resources in coastal areas, offshore waters will be a particular focus of Blue Economy expansion over the next decade. When emerging and established economic sectors expand in offshore waters (within national Exclusive Economic Zones), different potential Blue Economy opportunities and challenges will arise. Following a series of interdisciplinary workshops, we imagine two technically possible futures for the offshore Blue Economy and we identify the actions required to achieve the more sustainable outcome. Under a business as usual scenario the focus will remain on economic growth, the commodification of nature, the dominance of private over public and cultural interests, and prioritisation of the interests of current over future generations. A more sustainable scenario would meet multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals and ensure inclusive economic developments, environmental sustainability, and fair and equitable access to resources and technologies across users, nations, and generations. Challenges to this more sustainable future are a lack of infrastructure and technology to support emerging offshore sectors, limited understanding of environmental impacts, inequitable outcomes, and a lack of planning and governmental oversight. Addressing these challenges will require a shift in societal values, a more balanced allocation of funding to offshore activities, transparency in information sharing between industries and across nations, and adjustment of international legal and institutional mechanisms. The sustainable and equitable offshore Blue Economy we envisage is achievable and provides a unique opportunity to build global capacity and partnership.

Graphic abstract




海洋经济正在经历快速增长,这将带来好处,但也带来环境和社会风险。由于沿海地区空间有限和资源退化,近海水域将成为未来十年蓝色经济扩张的特别重点。当新兴和成熟的经​​济部门在近海水域(国家专属经济区内)扩张时,将会出现不同的潜在蓝色经济机遇和挑战。经过一系列跨学科研讨会,我们设想了离岸蓝色经济的两种技术上可能的未来,并确定了实现更可持续结果所需的行动。在一切照旧的情况下,重点仍然是经济增长、自然商品化、私人对公共和文化利益的主导地位,以及当代人的利益优先于子孙后代的利益。更可持续的情景将满足多个联合国可持续发展目标,并确保包容性经济发展、环境可持续性以及用户、国家和世代公平公正地获取资源和技术。这个更可持续的未来面临的挑战是缺乏支持新兴离岸部门的基础设施和技术、对环境影响的了解有限、结果不公平以及缺乏规划和政府监督。应对这些挑战需要社会价值观的转变、离岸活动资金更加平衡的分配、行业间和国家间信息共享的透明度以及国际法律和体制机制的调整。 我们设想的可持续和公平的离岸蓝色经济是可以实现的,并为建设全球能力和伙伴关系提供了独特的机会。

