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Looking for the possible gluon condensation signature in sub-TeV gamma-ray spectra: from active galactic nuclei to gamma ray bursts
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/01/038
Wei Zhu 1 , Zechun Zheng 1 , Peng Liu 1 , Lihong Wan 1 , Jianhong Ruan 1 , Fan Wang 2

The gluon condensation in the proton as a dynamical model is used to treat a series of unsolved puzzles in sub-TeV gamma ray spectra, they include the broken power-law of blazar's radiation, the hardening confusion of 1ES 1426+428, Mkn 501, and the recently recorded sub-TeV gamma spectra of GRB 180720B and GRB 190114C . We find that the above anomalous phenomena in gamma ray energy spectra can be understood with the simple broken power law based on a QCD gluon condensation effect.



质子中的胶子凝结作为动力学模型,被用于处理在TeV伽玛射线谱中的一系列未解决的难题,其中包括blazar辐射的破碎幂律,1ES 1426 + 428,Mkn 501,以及最近记录的GRB 180720B和GRB 190114C的亚TeV伽马谱。我们发现,利用基于QCD胶子凝结效应的简单破坏功率定律可以理解上述伽马射线能谱中的异常现象。
