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Response of a southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) population to three years of Marine Protected Area implementation within South Australia
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315420001332
Lachlan McLeay , Adrian Linnane , Richard McGarvey , Simon Bryars , Peter Hawthorne

The Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park (WKIMP) was declared as part of South Australia's representative system of Marine Protected Areas in 2009. Sanctuary Zone 3 (SZ-3) of the WKIMP is a no-take area protected from fishing since 1 October 2014 and is located within the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery (NZRLF). In February 2017, a dedicated survey was undertaken to estimate the relative abundance (catch per unit effort (CPUE), kg/potlift) and size of southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) inside and outside SZ-3. Survey results were then compared with historical estimates of abundance and size obtained from commercial fishery-dependent data. Survey estimates of relative abundance of legal-size lobsters were 4.4 times greater inside SZ-3 compared with outside in 2017. Since 2014, when fishing was last permitted inside SZ-3, the relative abundance of lobsters increased by 75%. The mean size of legal-size female and male lobsters also increased by 4.1% and 12.5%, respectively. The population responses recorded are consistent with the results recorded for southern rock lobster stocks in marine parks in other jurisdictions.


南部岩龙虾 (Jasus edwardsii) 种群对南澳大利亚三年海洋保护区实施的反应

西袋鼠岛海洋公园 (WKIMP) 于 2009 年被宣布为南澳大利亚海洋保护区代表系统的一部分。WKIMP 的 3 号保护区 (SZ-3) 自 2014 年 10 月 1 日起禁止捕鱼,位于Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery (NZRLF) 内。2017 年 2 月,进行了一项专门的调查,以估计南方岩龙虾的相对丰度(单位努力捕获量 (CPUE),公斤/起吊量)和大小(爱德华七世) SZ-3 内外。然后将调查结果与从商业渔业相关数据中获得的丰度和规模的历史估计值进行比较。调查估计,2017 年 SZ-3 内的法定大小龙虾的相对丰度是室外的 4.4 倍。自 2014 年 SZ-3 内最后一次允许捕捞以来,龙虾的相对丰度增加了 75%。法定大小的雌性和雄性龙虾的平均大小也分别增加了 4.1% 和 12.5%。记录的人口反应与其他司法管辖区海洋公园的南部岩龙虾种群记录的结果一致。