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Woman, time and the incommunicability of non-Western worlds: understanding the role of gender in the colonial denial of coevalness
Feminist Theory ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1177/1464700120987391
Azille Coetzee 1

Central to the functioning of colonialism and coloniality is a specific construction of time, in terms of which the spatial ordering of the world also translates into a temporal ordering. Anthropologist Johannes Fabian argues that there is a specific rhetorical device at work here, namely the ‘denial of coevalness’, which is a colonial distancing strategy through which other worlds are robbed of validity on account of not existing within the same time as the West. In this article, I aim to add to analyses of scholars like Fabian, Chakrabarty and Mignolo by arguing that this colonial temporal ordering, which persists today, is also thoroughly gendered. As a point of departure I use Walter Mignolo’s idea that the denial of coevalness relies on two distinctions, namely nature versus culture, and tradition versus modernity. I argue that the discursive construction of nature (as opposed to culture) and tradition (as opposed to modernity) centres on gendered assumptions and an obsession with control over women’s bodies. In the course of making this argument, I also point out the overlaps, as well as key differences, between woman’s exclusion from Western linear time, on the one hand, and the temporal distancing of the colonised, on the other. In particular, I show how Western linear chronology positions Western women and previously colonised women in vastly different ways. I argue that if one considers the extent to which the denial of coevalness relies on colonial gender discourses, the erasure of indigenous sexuate knowledges that contradict the colonial gender discourses is not one erasure among many, but one of the key erasures that colonial temporality hinges on. A crucial implication of my analysis is that the process of undoing, deconstructing or dismantling the colonial denial of coevalness is also inherently a feminist project.



殖民主义和殖民主义功能的中心是时间的特定建构,在这个意义上,世界的空间秩序也转化为时间秩序。人类学家约翰内斯·法比安(Johannes Fabian)认为,这里有一种特殊的修辞手法在起作用,即“拒绝同等世俗”,这是一种殖民主义的疏远策略,通过该策略,其他世界由于在与西方同一时期不存在而被剥夺了有效性。在这篇文章中,我旨在通过争论这种殖民地的时间秩序(今天仍然存在)也已被完全性别化,来增加对法比安,查克拉巴蒂和米格诺洛等学者的分析。作为出发点,我使用沃尔特·米格诺洛(Walter Mignolo)的思想,即拒绝同时代性取决于两个区别,即自然与文化,传统与现代。我认为,自然(与文化相对)和传统(与现代相对)的话语建构主要基于性别假设和对女性身体控制的痴迷。在提出这一论点的过程中,我还指出了一方面女性被排除在西方线性时间之外,另一方面与殖民地的时间间隔之间的重叠以及主要差异。特别是,我展示了西方线性年代学如何以截然不同的方式定位西方女性和先前殖民的女性。我认为,如果考虑到拒绝代际性在多大程度上取决于殖民地性别话语,那么消除与殖民地性别话语相抵触的土著性别知识并不是许多人中的一种消除,而是殖民地时间性取决于的关键消除之一。 。
