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Asymptotic behaviour on the linear self-interacting diffusion driven by α-stable motion
Stochastics ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1080/17442508.2020.1869239
Xichao Sun 1 , Litan Yan 2

In this paper, as an attempt we consider the linear self-interacting diffusion driven by an α-stable motion, which is the solution to the equation Xtα=Mtαθ0t0s(XsαXrα)drds+νt,where θ0, νR and Mα is an α-stable motion on R (0<α2). The process is an analogue of the self-attracting diffusion (see Durrett-Rogers, Prob. Theory Related Fields 92 (1992), 337–349, and Cranston-Le Jan, Math. Ann. 303 (1995), 87–93.). The main object of this paper is to prove some limit theorems associated with the solution process Xα for 12<α2. When θ>0 we show that ψα(t)(XtαXα) converges to an α-stable random variable in distribution, as t tends to infinity, where ψα(t)=t1/α for 1α2 and ψα(t)=t21α for 12<α<1. When θ<0, for all 12<α2 we show that, as t, Jtα(θ,ν,0):=te12θt2Xtα converges to ξανθ and Jtα(θ,ν,n):=θt2(Jtα(θ,ν,n1)(2n3)!!(ξανθ))(2n1)!!(ξανθ)a.s. for all n1, where (1)!!=1 and ξα=0se12θs2dMsα.



在本文中,作为一种尝试,我们考虑由α 稳定运动驱动的线性自相互作用扩散,这是方程的解Xα=α-θ00(Xα-Xrα)drd+ν,在哪里 θ0, ν电阻αα 稳定运动电阻 (0<α2)。该过程类似于自吸扩散(参见 Durrett-Rogers, Prob. Theory Related Fields 92 (1992), 337–349 和 Cranston-Le Jan, Math. Ann. 303 (1995), 87–93。 )。本文的主要目的是证明一些与求解过程相关的极限定理Xα 为了 12<α2. 什么时候θ>0 我们表明 ψα()(Xα-Xα)收敛于分布中的α 稳定随机变量,因为t趋于无穷大,其中ψα()=1/α 为了 1α2ψα()=2-1α 为了 12<α<1. 什么时候θ<0, 对所有人 12<α2 我们证明,作为 , Jα(θ,ν,0):=电子12θ2Xα 收敛到 ξα-νθJα(θ,ν,n)=-θ2(Jα(θ,ν,n-1)-(2n-3)(ξα-νθ))(2n-1)(ξα-νθ)至于所有 n1, 在哪里 (-1)=1ξα=0电子12θ2dα.
