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Advanced Engineering Materials ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1002/adem.202001477

Dear Readers,

As usual we would like to take this opportunity and look back at what Advanced Engineering Materials has achieved in the last year. And what a year this has been! The way we work and live has changed dramatically by the pandemic. Universities and institutes were closed, conferences were cancelled, postponed or took place virtually only and a variety of other challenges made research and publishing different.

Despite all the challenges in 2020, Advanced Engineering Materials published exciting research on engineering materials. We are excited to report that the journal's Impact Factor has grown for the sixth time in a row to a record of 3.217 (2019 Clarivate Journal Citation Reports). Table 1 shows the five articles most cited in 2019 that are contributing to this excellent result. The reviews listed here show a variety of topics and reflect the broad scope of the journal: Soft robotics, additive manufacturing and 3D printing, energy harvesting and storage as well as colorimetric sensing assays. Other topics among the highly cited article in 2019 are SiBCN ceramics, nanoporous metals, TiAl‐based alloys, anode materials for Lithium‐ion batteries as well as manufacturing of bioinspired structural materials.

Table 1. Advanced Engineering Materials articles most cited in 2019 (published in 2017‐2018, Web of Science as of 09 Dec 2020)
Article Title (Article Type) Authors (* Corresponding) DOI 2019 Citations (total)
Soft Robotics: Review of Fluid‐Driven Intrinsically Soft Devices; Manufacturing, Sensing, Control, and Applications in Human‐Robot Interaction (Review) Panagiotis Polygerinos, Nikolaus Correll, Stephen A. Morin, Bobak Mosadegh, Cagdas D. Onal, Kirstin Petersen, Matteo Cianchetti, Michael T. Tolley, Robert F. Shepherd* 10.1002/adem.201700016 96 (220)
Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Alloys by Electron Beam Melting: A Review (Review) Lai‐Chang Zhang*, Yujing Liu*, Shujun Li, Yulin Hao 10.1002/adem.201700842 57 (115)
A Review on Piezoelectric, Magnetostrictive, and Magnetoelectric Materials and Device Technologies for Energy Harvesting Applications (Review) Fumio Narita*, Marina Fox 10.1002/adem.201700743 35 (94)
Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Systems with Solid‐Liquid Phase Change Materials: A Review (Review) Nan Zhang, Yanping Yuan*, Xiaoling Cao, Yanxia Du, Zhaoli Zhang, Yewei Gui 10.1002/adem.201700753 33 (102)
A Review of Gold and Silver Nanoparticle‐Based Colorimetric Sensing Assays (Review) Myalowenkosi Sabela, Sebastien Balme*, Mikhael Bechelany*, Jean‐Marc Janot, Krishna Bisetty 10.1002/adem.201700270 32 (66)

Launched in 2019, the Advanced Engineering Materials Hall of Fame continues to provide a collection of excellent invited review articles that highlight the work of top scientists in the field of engineering materials. The virtual issue includes reviews on high‐entropy alloys, severe plastic deformation of metals, ceramic processing methods, hybrid nanocrystalline alloys by high pressure torsion and shape memory alloys. These articles are expected to contribute significantly to the next Impact Factors.

In addition to citation based metrics such as the Impact Factor, the Altmetric Score is a measure for the scientific impact of an article. Table 2 shows the articles that are most frequently discussed and shared on social media in 2020. Also here, a variety of topics is presented, including advanced manufacturing methods and deep learning.

Table 2. Advanced Engineering Materials articles published in 2020 with highest Altmetric Attention Scores (Altmetric, as of 09 Dec 2020)
Article Title (Article Type) Authors (*Corresponding) DOI Altmetric Attention Score
Scalable Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene (Full Paper) Christopher E. Shuck, Asia Sarycheva, Mark Anayee, Ariana Levitt, Yuanzhe Zhu, Simge Uzun, Vitaliy Balitskiy, Veronika Zahorodna, Oleksiy Gogotsi, Yury Gogotsi* 10.1002/adem.201901241 88
Fabrication of Complex 3D Fluidic Networks via Modularized Stereolithography (Full Paper) Terry Ching, Yi‐Chin Toh, Michinao Hashimoto* 10.1002/adem.201901109 30
Strong Macroscale Supercrystalline Structures by 3D Printing Combined with Self‐Assembly of Ceramic Functionalized Nanoparticles (Communication) Berta Domènech, Alvin T. L. Tan, Hans Jelitto, Eduardo Zegarra Berodt, Malte Blankenburg, Oliver Focke, Jaclyn Cann, C. Cem Tasan, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, Martin Müller, Kaline P. Furlan, A. John Hart*, Gerold A. Schneider* 10.1002/adem.202000352 20
Graphene‐Rubber Layered Functional Composites for Seismic Isolation of Structures (Full Paper) Maria Rosaria Marsico,* Julián Mauricio Londoño Monsalve, Dong‐Wook Shin, Monica Felicia Craciun 10.1002/adem.201900852 13
Accelerating Auxetic Metamaterial Design with Deep Learning (Communication) Jackson K. Wilt, Charles Yang, Grace X. Gu* 10.1002/adem.201901266 12

Advanced Engineering Materials had many beautiful covers in 2020. Not only front and back covers, but also inside front/back covers presented the author's research in artistic and creative images. (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Open in figure viewerPowerPoint
From top left clockwise to bottom left: front cover of the special issue dedicated to Terence G. Langdon's 80th birthday (1/2020); inside front cover on 3D printing: Biocompatible 3D Printed Microneedles for Transdermal, Intradermal, and Percutaneous Applications (2/2020); inside front cover on robotics: Cephalopod‐Inspired Swimming Robot Using Dielectric Elastomer Synthetic Jet Actuator (4/2020); back cover on 3D printing: Designer Direct Ink Write 3D‐Printed Thermites with Tunable Energy Release Rates (6/2020); front cover of the special issue on Materials Science and Engineering at Friedrich‐Alexander University of Erlangen‐Nürnberg (FAU) (9/2020); front cover on Lithium‐Ion Batteries: Synthesis of a High‐Capacity NiO/Ni Foam Anode for Advanced Lithium‐Ion Batteries (11/2020).

The success of the journal is also reflected by the high number of submissions and the steadily growing usage. Open Access publications are also growing fast – until 2019 AEM published only occasionally Online Open articles, in 2020 roughly 20% of the published articles were published Online Open. This is mainly due to open access agreements e.g. for German, Austrian and Hungarian authors.

In 2020 several Special Sections and Special Issues have been published: The first issue was a Special Issue dedicated to Terence G. Langdon on the occasion of his 80th Birthday which was guest‐edited by Megumi Kawasaki, Roberto B. Figueiredo and Alexander P. Zhilyaev. A Special Section was devoted to “Multi‐Functional Filters for Metal Melt Filtration” (Guest Editors: Christos Aneziris and Tobias Fey). Another Special Section was guest‐edited by Olivier Guillon and was devoted to research at the Institute of Energy and Climate Research at Forschungszentrum Jülich. A complete issue was devoted to “Materials Science and Engineering at Friedrich‐Alexander University of Erlangen‐Nürnberg (FAU)”, this Special Issue was guest‐edited by Aldo Boccaccini, Mathias Göken and Nahum Travitzky. Alexander P. Zhilyaev, Ruslan Z. Valiev and Terence G. Langdon guest‐edited a Special Section on “Ultrafine‐Grained Metallic Materials and Coatings” and last, but not least a Special Section guest‐edited by Dirk Lehmhus, Nikhil Gupta, Jonathan Spowart and Eric Jaegle on “Additive Manufacturing of Composites and Complex Materials” was included in Issue 12. At this point we would like to thank all guest‐editors for their support and enthusiasm dedicated to these projects. We also encourage our authors, readers, and reviewers to contact us for new ideas for special issues.

In November 2020 the sad news arrived that Alexander Zhilyaev from Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University passed away. He was an esteemed author, reviewer and guest‐editor of two recent projects.

Towards the end of last year, we simplified the submission and transfer process for authors. The Advanced journal family and most of its sister journals now have a single concise set of article types. The most notable change is the discontinuation of the article types “Communication” and “Full Paper”, which are replaced by “Research Article” and can contain original research studies of any length. More information on the article types can be found in our author guidelines.

We believe this is a significant step towards making life easier for our authors, readers and reviewers as it greatly reduces the need for formatting in general and reformatting after transfer to a sister journal. It also brings us one step closer to free‐format submissions. This initiative is part of a global project across Wiley and you will see similar changes to Wiley's complete portfolio of journals. It underlines the efforts Wiley is undertaking to make life easier when preparing, submitting, and reading manuscripts.

As a direct result of the increased success of the journal number of submissions and impact factor our team was reinforced with two new editors: Shaoying Cui, who is also editor for Engineering Reports and Journal of Applied Polymer Science, is located in our office in Shanghai; and Valentina Lombardo, who is an editor for Advanced Materials, Small, and Advanced Materials Technologies, is located in the Weinheim office. See here for the full team of editors working for Advanced Engineering Materials.

We also would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the continuous support from our board members, authors, reviewers and readers. We look forward to another exciting new year in materials research and wish you a happy, healthy and successful 2021 that will hopefully not be clouded by the global pandemic.

On behalf of the Editorial Team,


Sandra Kalveram



Jolke Perelaer

Deputy Editor





尽管存在2020年的所有挑战,但高级工程材料公司发表了有关工程材料的令人兴奋的研究报告。我们很高兴地报告说,该期刊的影响因子已连续第六次增长至3.217的记录(2019 Clarivate Journal引文报告)。 图1显示了2019年最常被引用的五篇文章,这些文章都为这一出色的结果做出了贡献。此处列出的评论显示了各种主题,并反映了该期刊的广泛范围:软机器人,增材制造和3D打印,能量收集和存储以及比色传感分析。2019年被高引用的文章中的其他主题是SiBCN陶瓷,纳米多孔金属,TiAl基合金,锂离子电池负极材料以及受生物启发的结构材料的制造。

表1. 2019年最常引用的高级工程材料文章(于2017-2018年发布,Web of Science截至2020年12月9日)
文章标题(文章类型) 作者(*对应) 土井 2019年引文(总计)
软机器人:流体驱动的本征软设备的回顾;人机交互中的制造,传感,控制和应用(复习) Panagiotis Polygerinos,Nikolaus Correll,Stephen A.Morin,Bobak Mosadegh,Cagdas D.Onal,Kirstin Petersen,Matteo Cianchetti,Michael T.Tolley,Robert F.Shepherd * 10.1002 / adem.201700016 96(220)
电子束熔融增材制造钛合金的评论(综述) 张来昌*,刘玉晶*,李书军,郝玉林 10.1002 / adem.201700842 57(115)
压电,磁致伸缩和磁电材料及器件技术在能量收集中的应用(综述) 成田文雄*,玛丽娜·福克斯 10.1002 / adem.201700743 35(94)
具有固液相变材料的潜热热能存储系统:审查(审查) 张楠,袁艳萍*,曹小玲,杜艳霞,张兆丽,桂伟伟 10.1002 / adem.201700753 33(102)
基于金和银纳米粒子的比色传感分析的综述(综述) Myalowenkosi Sabela,Sebastien Balme *,Mikhael Bechelany *,Jean‐Marc Janot,Krishna Bisetty 10.1002 / adem.201700270 32(66)


除了基于引用的度量标准(例如影响因子)之外,Altmetric得分还可以衡量文章的科学影响力。 2显示了2020年在社交媒体上最常讨论和共享的文章。此外,在此还介绍了各种主题,包括先进的制造方法和深度学习。

表2. 2020年发布的高级工程材料文章中的高度测量注意力得分最高(截至2020年12月9日的高度测量)
文章标题(文章类型) 作者(*对应) 土井 高度注意力得分
Ti 3 C 2 T x MXene的可扩展合成(全纸) Christopher E.Shuck,亚洲Sarycheva,Mark Anayee,Ariana Levitt,朱元哲,Simge Uzun,Vitaliy Balitskiy,Veronika Zahorodna,Oleksiy Gogotsi,Yury Gogotsi * 10.1002 / adem.201901241 88
通过模块化立体光刻技术制作复杂的3D流体网络(全文) 程泰瑞,桥本美之男* 10.1002 / adem.201901109 30
通过3D打印结合陶瓷功能化纳米粒子的自组装(通信)实现强大的宏观超晶结构 BertaDomènech,Alvin TL Tan,Hans Jelitto,Eduardo Zegarra Berodt,Malte Blankenburg,Oliver Focke,Jaclyn Cann,C.Cem Tasan,Lucio Colombi Ciacchi,MartinMüller,Kaline P.Furlan,A.John Hart *,Gerold A.Schneider * 10.1002 / adem.202000352 20
用于结构隔震的石墨烯-橡胶层状功能复合材料(全文) Maria Rosaria Marsico,*JuliánMauricioLondoñoMonsalve,Dong-Wook Shin,Monica Felicia Craciun 10.1002 / adem.201900852 13
通过深度学习(通信)加速辅助超材料设计 杰克逊·威尔特(Jackson K. 10.1002 / adem.201901266 12

2020年,Advanced Engineering Materials拥有许多精美的封面。不仅封面和封底,而且封面/封底内部都展示了作者对艺术和创意图像的研究。( 1)。

从上顺时针左左下:专用于特伦斯G.兰登80特刊的封面生日(二千零二十零分之一); 3D打印的前盖内侧:用于透皮,皮内和经皮应用的生物相容性3D打印微针(2/2020);机器人前盖内部:使用介电弹性体合成射流执行器的头足类游泳机器人(4/2020);3D打印的封底:Designer Direct Ink Write可调能量释放速率的3D打印铝热剂(6/2020);埃尔兰根-纽伦堡弗里德里希-亚历山大大学(FAU)材料​​科学与工程专刊的封面(9/2020); 锂离子电池的前盖:用于高级锂离子电池的高容量NiO / Ni泡沫阳极的合成(11/2020)。


2020年一些特殊路段和特殊问题已经公布:第一个问题是一个特别问题,致力于特伦斯G.兰登在他80之际,生日由川崎惠,Roberto B. Figueiredo和Alexander P. Zhilyaev共同编辑。特别节专门讨论了“用于金属熔体过滤的多功能过滤器”(来宾编辑:Christos Aneziris和Tobias Fey)。另一个特别小组由奥利维尔·古永(Olivier Guillon)客座编辑,专门研究了朱利希(ForschungszentrumJülich)能源与气候研究所的研究。完整的一期专着《埃尔兰根-纽伦堡的弗里德里希-亚历山大大学的材料科学与工程》(FAU),由Aldo Boccaccini,MathiasGöken和Nahum Travitzky客座编辑。Alexander P. Zhilyaev,Ruslan Z. Valiev和Terence G. Langdon客座编辑了“超细粒金属材料和涂层”特别部分,最后但并非最不重要的是由Dirk Lehmhus,Nikhil Gupta亲自编辑的特别部分,乔纳森·斯波瓦特(Jonathan Spowart)和埃里克·杰格(Eric Jaegle)的“复合材料和复合材料的增材制造”已列入第12期。在这一点上,我们要感谢所有来宾编辑对这些项目的支持和热情。我们还鼓励作者,读者和审稿人与我们联系,以寻求有关特殊问题的新想法。

2020年11月,一个令人难过的消息传来,来自Nosov Magnitogorsk国立技术大学的Alexander Zhilyaev去世了。他是最近两个项目的著名作者,审稿人和客座编辑。



由于期刊投稿数量和影响因子的成功获得成功的直接结果,我们的团队得到了两名新编辑的支持:崔少英(同时也是《工程报告》《应用高分子科学杂志》的编辑)位于我们的上海办公室; Valentina Lombardo是Weinheim办公室的一员,他是Advanced MaterialsSmallAdvanced Materials Technologies的编辑。请参见此处,了解从事高级工程材料的完整编辑团队。




桑德拉·卡尔维拉姆(Sandra Kalveram)




