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Security algorithms for distributed storage system for E-health application over wireless body area network
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing ( IF 3.662 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s12652-020-02733-1
Mohammed Majeed Alkhabet , Mahamod Ismail

Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are an upcoming technology for achieving effective healthcare. The security and privacy of patient-related data are two essential aspects of WBAN system security. Storing data on a single server is simple but may lead to a single point of failure (whether a typical failure or a failure due to security attacks). In this paper, enhanced security and privacy of patient information and E-health systems based on distributed storage systems (DSSs) are developed using public-key cryptography to store patient information. The storage of data and the security requirements (such as confidentiality, reliability, authentication, and dynamic integrity) are simultaneously distributed among individual nodes throughout the network. The patient data are encrypted using the redundant residue number system (RRNS) technique, which depends on a library of moduli in the encrypting process to generate residues. Three algorithms were implemented to decode the RRNS: the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), Base Extension (BEX) with mixed radix conversion, and the new Chinese Remainder Theorem I (CRT I). The results of a system prototype implementation showed that whenever the value of the moduli was a big prime number, the coding efficiency became large, and the time to send a message decreased by 2 s. The performance of the algorithms was expressed in terms of execution time and cyclomatic complexity (CC). The results showed that the CRT I was 1 s faster than the other decoding algorithms and took around 2.5 s to decode the RRNS. The CRT had a low CC of 15, whereas the MRC and CRT I had a CC of 45 and 40, respectively. The main operation phases of the proposed system are described.



无线人体局域网(WBAN)是一项即将实现的有效医疗保健技术。与患者有关的数据的安全性和隐私性是WBAN系统安全性的两个基本方面。将数据存储在单个服务器上很简单,但是可能导致单点故障(无论是典型故障还是由于安全攻击导致的故障)。在本文中,使用公共密钥密码术来存储患者信息,开发了增强的患者信息安全性和隐私性以及基于分布式存储系统(DSS)的电子医疗系统。数据的存储和安全性要求(例如机密性,可靠性,身份验证和动态完整性)同时分布在整个网络的各个节点之间。使用冗余残数系统(RRNS)技术对患者数据进行加密,它取决于加密过程中的模数库以生成残基。实现了三种算法来解码RRNS:中文剩余定理(CRT),具有混合基数转换的基本扩展(BEX)和新的中文剩余定理I(CRT I)。系统原型实现的结果表明,每当模的值是大质数时,编码效率就变大,发送消息的时间减少2 s。算法的性能以执行时间和循环复杂度(CC)表示。结果表明,CRT I比其他解码算法快1 s,解码RRNS大约需要2.5 s。CRT的CC较低,为15,而MRC和CRT I的CC分别为45和40。
