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Obituary: Thomas Henry Kunz (1938–2020)
Journal of Mammalogy ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-17 , DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyaa100
Allen Kurta 1 , Winifred F Frick 2, 3 , M Brock Fenton 4 , Polly Campbell 5 , Gary F McCracken 6 , Robert M Timm 7 , Hugh H Genoways 8

Dr. Thomas Henry Kunz (Fig. 1), an internationally recognized expert on the ecology and behavior of bats and Professor at Boston University, passed away on 13 April 2020 in Dedham, Massachusetts, at the age of 81 as the result of complications from COVID-19. Tragically, Dr. Kunz’s career was cut short when he was the victim of a pedestrian–automobile accident on 26 October 2011. He was struck crossing a street in Toronto, Canada, while participating in his favorite annual meeting, that of the North American Society for Bat Research (NASBR). He never fully recovered from the head trauma suffered and was not able to live independently, but he enjoyed daily visits from his wife and frequent visits from his children and grandchildren as well as friends. His wife, Margaret, who he described in his autobiography as “a major influence on my life through her companionship, love, support, and encouragement,” also became his advocate over this extended period (197:169; numbers appearing in parentheses without an author or year refer to articles in the accompanying bibliography). “Tom,” to his many friends and colleagues, was born on 11 June 1938 in Independence, Missouri, to William H. and Edna F. (Dornfeld) Kunz. He married Margaret Louise Brown on 27 December 1962 in Faucett, Missouri, Margaret’s hometown. Two children were born to Margaret and Tom—Pamela Kunz (Jeffrey Kwan) and David Kunz (Nicole, née D’Angelo) and five grandchildren. “Dr. Kunz was an inveterate handyman who built treehouses, created jigsaw puzzles, and taught his children to use power tools and drive cars with stick shifts. He loved canoeing, bicycling, traveling with his wife, and spending time with family. ‘He was handy and he was hands-on,’ said his son David, who works in finance in New York City. ‘I might have seen him fall asleep at his computer, but he never missed a single one of my games’” (McKenna 2020).



国际公认的蝙蝠生态学和行为学专家,波士顿大学教授Thomas Thomas Kunz博士(图1)于2020年4月13日在马萨诸塞州迪德姆去世,享年81岁新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19):新冠肺炎(COVID-19):COVID-19。不幸的是,昆兹博士的职业生涯因2011年10月26日的一次人车交通事故而丧生。在参加他最喜欢的北美协会年度会议时,他在加拿大多伦多的一条街道上被击中。蝙蝠研究(NASBR)。他从未从头部的创伤中完全康复,也无法独立生活,但他享受着妻子的日常探访以及他的子孙,朋友的频繁探访。他的妻子玛格丽特 他在自传中将其描述为“通过陪伴,爱心,支持和鼓励对我的生活产生了重大影响”,他在这段较长的时间内也成为他的拥护者(197:169;括号中的数字没有作者或年份指的是参考书目中的文章)。对他的许多朋友和同事来说,“汤姆”于1938年6月11日出生在密苏里州的独立市,出生于威廉·H·和埃德娜·F·(多恩菲尔德)·昆兹。他于1962年12月27日在玛格丽特的故乡密苏里州的福塞特与玛格丽特·路易丝·布朗结婚。玛格丽特和汤姆生了两个孩子,帕梅拉·昆兹(关颖琳)和戴维·昆兹(妮可·妮可·德安吉洛)和五个孙子。“博士 昆兹是个老百姓的勤杂工,他建造了树屋,制作了拼图游戏,并教他的孩子们使用电动工具并用变速杆驾驶汽车。他喜欢独木舟,骑自行车,与妻子旅行以及与家人共度时光。他的儿子戴维(David)在纽约市从事金融业。“我可能已经看到他在计算机上睡着了,但是他从未错过任何一场我的比赛”(McKenna 2020)。