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Everyday life as a refugee in a rural setting – What determines a sense of belonging and what role can the local community play in generating it?
Journal of Rural Studies ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.01.031
Lise Herslund

This paper explores the sense of place and belonging among refugees settled in small towns in Denmark and the role local, rural communities can play in encouraging it. The entry point for creating a sense of place and belonging is rooted in their new everyday lives, the extent to which, and in what form, this is linked to the new small town in which they live, and to what factors might inhibit or promote these links and sense of belonging. The paper is based on 43 interviews conducted in 2016/2017 with refugees and members of local communities in seven small towns, as well as other key formal stakeholders. The results show that several structural factors can have a detrimental effect on the sense of belonging in a small town; for example, a lack of cheap rented accommodation, combined with a busy everyday life, affording little free time to spend in the town, and the fact that the refugees are often originally from cities and would have preferred to be settled in one. They are uncertain how to behave in a small-town setting and make the most of it. Their links to the local community are via social relations with other migrants and committed local volunteers. Volunteers can play an important role in helping refugees navigate their new everyday life and help them counter many of the problems of living in an unfamiliar and rural environment. If refugees are to settle permanently in these communities, structural challenges such as the lack of rental accommodation must be addressed; something that local communities cannot do on their own.



本文探讨了定居在丹麦小镇的难民的地方感和归属感,以及当地农村社区在鼓励这种感觉方面可以发挥的作用。创造地方感和归属感的切入点植根于他们新的日常生活,这在多大程度上、以何种形式与他们居住的新小镇相关,以及哪些因素可能抑制或促进这些联系和归属感。该文件基于 2016/2017 年对七个小镇的难民和当地社区成员以及其他主要正式利益相关者进行的 43 次访谈。结果表明,一些结构性因素会对小镇的归属感产生不利影响;例如,缺乏廉价的出租住房,加上日常生活忙碌,几乎没有空闲时间在城里度过,而且难民往往来自城市,更愿意在城市定居。他们不确定如何在小镇环境中表现并充分利用它。他们与当地社区的联系是通过与其他移民和忠诚的当地志愿者的社会关系实现的。志愿者可以在帮助难民适应新的日常生活并帮助他们解决在陌生的乡村环境中生活的许多问题方面发挥重要作用。如果难民要在这些社区永久定居,就必须解决缺乏出租住房等结构性挑战;这是当地社区无法独自完成的事情。