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How young people who had dropped out of high school experienced their re-enrolment processes
International Journal of Educational Research ( IF 2.845 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101732
Gro Hilde Ramsdal , Rolf Wynn

The study followed the re-enrolment processes of six young people in Northern Norway who had dropped out of high school. Early in the re-enrolment process, the participants focused on their experiences with lack of inner motivation, lack of endurance, and confusion concerning what they wanted to do with their lives. Later in the process, participants described positive changes in their inner motivation and reduced confusion about future goals. Their feeling of ‘being stuck’ changed into a feeling of ‘moving forward’. They described experiences with re-socialization. However, a lack of endurance remained a major challenge throughout for several of the participants.



