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Multiple cannabinoid signaling cascades powerfully suppress recurrent excitation in the hippocampus [Neuroscience]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-26 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2017590118
Kyle R Jensen 1 , Coralie Berthoux 1 , Kaoutsar Nasrallah 1 , Pablo E Castillo 2, 3

Recurrent excitatory neural networks are unstable. In the hippocampus, excitatory mossy cells (MCs) receive strong excitatory inputs from dentate granule cells (GCs) and project back onto the proximal dendrites of GCs. By targeting the ipsi- and contralateral dentate gyrus (DG) along the dorsoventral axis of the hippocampus, MCs form an extensive recurrent excitatory circuit (GC-MC-GC) whose dysregulation can promote epilepsy. We recently reported that a physiologically relevant pattern of MC activity induces a robust form of presynaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) of MC-GC transmission which enhances GC output. Left unchecked, this LTP may interfere with DG-dependent learning, like pattern separation—which relies on sparse GC firing—and may even facilitate epileptic activity. Intriguingly, MC axons display uniquely high expression levels of type-1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1Rs), but their role at MC-GC synapses is poorly understood. Using rodent hippocampal slices, we report that constitutively active CB1Rs, presumably via βγ subunits, selectively inhibited MC inputs onto GCs but not MC inputs onto inhibitory interneurons or CB1R-sensitive inhibitory inputs onto GCs. Tonic CB1R activity also inhibited LTP and GC output. Furthermore, brief endocannabinoid release from GCs dampened MC-GC LTP in two mechanistically distinct ways: during induction via βγ signaling and before induction via αi/o signaling in a form of presynaptic metaplasticity. Lastly, a single in vivo exposure to exogenous cannabinoids was sufficient to induce this presynaptic metaplasticity. By dampening excitatory transmission and plasticity, tonic and phasic CB1R activity at MC axon terminals may preserve the sparse nature of the DG and protect against runaway excitation.



循环兴奋性神经网络是不稳定的。在海马中,兴奋性苔藓细胞 (MCs) 从齿状颗粒细胞 (GCs) 接收强烈的兴奋性输入,并投射回 GCs 的近端树突。通过沿海马背腹轴靶向同侧和对侧齿状回 (DG),MC 形成广泛的复发性兴奋回路 (GC-MC-GC),其失调可促进癫痫发作。我们最近报道了一种生理相关的 MC 活动模式诱导了一种强大的 MC-GC 传递的突触前长期增强 (LTP) 形式,从而增强了 GC 输出。如果不加以控制,这种 LTP 可能会干扰依赖于 DG 的学习,例如依赖稀疏 GC 触发的模式分离,甚至可能促进癫痫活动。耐人寻味的是,MC 轴突显示出独特的 1 型大麻素受体 (CB1Rs) 高表达水平,但它们在 MC-GC 突触中的作用却知之甚少。使用啮齿动物海马切片,我们报告组成型活性 CB1R,可能通过 βγ 亚基,选择性地抑制 MC 输入到 GC,但不抑制 MC 输入到抑制性中间神经元或 CB1R 敏感抑制输入到 GC。补品 CB1R 活性也抑制 LTP 和 GC 输出。此外,GCs 的短暂内源性大麻素释放以两种机制上不同的方式抑制 MC-GC LTP:在通过 βγ 信号传导期间和通过 α 诱导之前 选择性抑制 MC 输入到 GC,但不抑制 MC 输入到抑制性中间神经元或 CB1R 敏感抑制输入到 GC。补品 CB1R 活性也抑制 LTP 和 GC 输出。此外,GCs 的短暂内源性大麻素释放以两种机制上不同的方式抑制 MC-GC LTP:在通过 βγ 信号传导期间和通过 α 诱导之前 选择性抑制 MC 输入到 GC,但不抑制 MC 输入到抑制性中间神经元或 CB1R 敏感抑制输入到 GC。补品 CB1R 活性也抑制 LTP 和 GC 输出。此外,GCs 的短暂内源性大麻素释放以两种机制上不同的方式抑制 MC-GC LTP:在通过 βγ 信号传导期间和通过 α 诱导之前突触前化生形式的i/o信号传导。最后,单次体内暴露于外源性大麻素足以诱导这种突触前化生。通过抑制兴奋性传递和可塑性,MC 轴突末端的强直和相位 CB1R 活动可以保持 DG 的稀疏性质并防止失控的兴奋。
