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3DPD: A photogrammetric pipeline for a PUSH frame stereo cameras
Planetary and Space Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2021.105165
E.Simioni , C.Re , T. Mudric , G.Cremonese , S.Tulyakov , A.Petrella , A. Pommerol , N. Thomas

An innovative photogrammetric pipeline has been developed by INAF-Padova for the processing of the stereo images from the CaSSIS (Colour and Stereo Imaging System) (Thomas et al., 2014). CaSSIS is the multispectral stereo push frame camera on board ExoMars TGO (Trace Gas Orbiter) which will image 1.5% of the Mars surface in stereo mode with a spatial resolution of 4.6 ​m/pixel: the highest resolution single pass stereo capability currently operating at Mars. Data acquisition started in April 2018. The camera is able to provide two images of the same target from two different points of view along the same orbit and within one minute. The telescope is mounted on a rotational stage and its boresight is oriented to 10° with respect to nadir direction. After the acquisition of the first set of images looking forward along track, the rotational stage is rotated by 180° and a second set of images (looking backward) is acquired. The stereo pairs can then be processed to provide the 3D topography of specific targets.

The suite of photogrammetry and imaging tools, named 3DPD (3Dimensional reconstruction of Planetary Data) (Simioni et al. 2017), is designed for processing stereo push frame data and producing the three-dimensional data for geomorphological analysis of planetary surfaces.

The workflow involves a MATLAB tool for the preparation of the inputs (the mosaicked images and the projection matrices) to be ingested into the 3DPD matching core software. The pipeline is in continuous development and routinely ingests a large number of images that CaSSIS is presently acquiring and will continue to acquire in the future. CaSSIS 3DPD products are the unique DTMs available nowadays and the stereo products have been considered in some scientific work (as described in Section 6.2). The same pipeline faces the need of a dedicated pipeline for the Mercury Global Mapping with the Spectrometers and Imagers for the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS) (Cremonese et al., 2020).



INAF-Padova开发了一种创新的摄影测量管线,用于处理CaSSIS(颜色和立体成像系统)中的立体图像(Thomas等,2014)。CaSSIS是ExoMars TGO(Trace Gas Orbiter)板上的多光谱立体声推框相机,它将以立体声模式拍摄1.5%的火星表面图像,空间分辨率为4.6 m /像素:目前以火星。数据采集​​始于2018年4月。该摄像机能够在一分钟之内从同一轨道上的两个不同角度提供两个目标的两个图像。望远镜安装在旋转平台上,其视轴相对于天底方向定向为10°。在获取沿轨道向前看的第一组图像后,旋转台旋转180°,获取第二组图像(向后看)。然后可以对立体声对进行处理,以提供特定目标的3D地形。


该工作流程包含一个MATLAB工具,用于准备要输入到3DPD匹配核心软件中的输入(镶嵌图像和投影矩阵)。该管道正在持续开发中,并例行摄取CaSSIS当前正在获取并将在将来继续获取的大量图像。CaSSIS 3DPD产品是当今可用的独特DTM,并且立体声产品已在某些科学工作中得到了考虑(如6.2节所述)。相同的管道还面临着用于汞全球制图的专用管道的需求,该管道需要具有用于水星行星轨道器(MPO)的BepiColombo综合天文台系统(SIMBIO-SYS)的光谱仪和成像仪(Cremonese等人,2020年)。
