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Isolation of ammonia gas-tolerant extremophilic bacteria and their application to the elimination of malodorous gas emitted from outdoor heat-treated toilets
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2020.12.012
Saika Tada , Yugo Itoh , Keiji Kiyoshi , Naoto Yoshida

Ammonia gas-tolerant extremophilic bacteria capable of growing in atmospheres containing up to 4000 ppm of gaseous ammonia were isolated. These bacteria were capable of growing in nutrient broth containing high concentrations of ammonia water, with growth in medium augmented with 0.1–0.2% ammonia exceeding that in medium without ammonia. The minimal inhibitory concentration of ammonia in the medium was 0.5%. The isolated ammonia gas-tolerant bacterium was moderately alkaliphilic, with optimum growth was observed at pH 9. DNA sequence analysis of the 16SrRNA gene revealed that the isolated bacterium was Bacillus lentus. Furthermore, extremophilic bacteria cultured in a 1300 ppm ammonia gas atmosphere on agar medium containing no nitrogen sources were observed to use ammonia gas for growth. These bacteria were identified as Paenibacillus lentus and Bacillus altitudinis based on 16SrRNA gene sequence analysis. The deodorizing effect of ammonia odor by the isolated bacteria immobilized on sawdust was evaluated. The findings showed that forcing ammonia gas through a column containing B. altitudinis immobilized on sawdust reduced the concentration of ammonia gas by 30% compared to columns containing sawdust only. The isolated bacteria immobilized on wood sawdust lost the capacity deodorization after drying, but this function could be restored with increased moisture. The ammonia gas-tolerant extremophilic bacteria immobilized on sawdust show considerable potential for use in ameliorating malodors associated with outdoor heat-treated toilets.



分离出能够在含有高达4000 ppm气态氨气的环境中生长的耐氨气性极端微生物。这些细菌能够在含有高浓度氨水的营养肉汤中生长,在含0.1-0.2%氨的培养基中的生长超过不含氨的培养基。培养基中氨的最小抑制浓度为0.5%。分离的耐氨气细菌是中等嗜碱性的,在pH 9时可观察到最佳生长。对16SrRNA基因的DNA序列分析表明,分离的细菌是慢芽孢杆菌。。此外,观察到在不含氮源的琼脂培养基上在1300ppm氨气气氛中培养的嗜极端细菌使用氨气进行生长。根据16SrRNA基因序列分析,将这些细菌鉴定为杆菌Paenibacillus lentus)枯草杆菌(Bacillus altitudinis)。评价了固定在木屑上的分离细菌对氨气气味的除臭效果。研究结果表明,迫使氨气通过含有B. altitudinis的色谱柱与仅含木屑的色谱柱相比,固定在木屑上的氨气使氨气的浓度降低了30%。固定在木屑上的分离出的细菌在干燥后失去了除臭的能力,但是随着水分的增加,这种功能可以恢复。固定在木屑上的耐氨气的极端微生物表现出巨大的潜力,可用于缓解与室外热处理马桶相关的恶臭。
