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Promoting Palaeontological Heritage of Mammoths in Serbia Through a Cross-Country Thematic Route
Geoheritage ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s12371-021-00530-6
Aleksandar Antić , Nemanja Tomić , Tijana Đorđević , Slobodan B. Marković

Interpretation of paleontological heritage of mammoths is an important factor for the development of tourism in Serbia. Most fossil remains of mammoths are found in a unique geological environment, indicating the significant tourist value of these sites. The principal aim of this paper is to emphasize the tourism potential and geoconservation values of mammoth fossils throughout Serbia. These fossil remains provide an excellent basis for establishing the first ever mammoth route in Serbia. The route stretches from the city of Kikinda in the north to the city of Jagodina in the south, encompassing the basins of three major rivers, the Danube, Tisa, and Morava River. Throughout history, these rivers have been a place where different cultures have flourished over a long period of time. Also, many prehistoric animals such as mammoths and other species inhabited these areas continuously for nearly a million years. The current state and tourism potential of the selected mammoth sites were evaluated by using the CREM (Cultural Route Evaluation Model). The application of this methodology will provide us with crucial information for future route development and help us identify which areas and sites require more attention as well as identify the major fields for improvement at each mammoth site in order to attract a larger number of tourists in the future.



