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The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: delensed power spectra and parameters
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/01/031
Dongwon Han 1, 2 , Neelima Sehgal 1, 2 , Amanda MacInnis 1 , Alexander van Engelen 3 , Blake D. Sherwin 4, 5 , Mathew S. Madhavacheril 6, 7 , Simone Aiola 2 , Nicholas Battaglia 8 , James A. Beall 9 , Daniel T. Becker 9 , Erminia Calabrese 10 , Steve K. Choi 8, 11 , Omar Darwish 4 , Edward V. Denison 9 , Mark J. Devlin 12 , Jo Dunkley 7, 13 , Simone Ferraro 14, 15 , Anna E. Fox 9 , Matthew Hasselfield 2, 16, 17 , J. Colin Hill 2, 18 , Gene C. Hilton 9 , Matt Hilton 19 , Renée Hložek 20, 21 , Johannes Hubmayr 9 , John P. Hughes 22 , Arthur Kosowsky 23 , Jeff Van Lanen 9 , Thibaut Louis 24 , Kavilan Moodley 19 , Sigurd Naess 2 , Toshiya Namikawa 4 , Federico Nati 25 , John P. Nibarger 9 , Michael D. Niemack 8, 11 , Lyman A. Page 13 , Bruce Partridge 26 , Frank J. Qu 4 , Alessandro Schillaci 27 , David N. Spergel 2, 7 , Suzanne Staggs 13 , Emilie Storer 13 , Edward J. Wollack 28

We present ΛCDM cosmological parameter constraints obtained from delensed microwave background power spectra. Lensing maps from a subset of DR4 data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) are used to undo the lensing effect in ACT spectra observed at 150 and 98 GHz. At 150 GHz, we remove the lensing distortion with an effective efficiency of 30% (TT), 30% (EE), 26% (TE) and 20% (BB); this results in detections of the delensing effect at 8.7σ (TT), 5.1σ (EE), 2.6σ (TE), and 2.4σ (BB) significance. The combination of 150 and 98 GHz TT, EE, and TE delensed spectra is well fit by a standard ΛCDM model. We also measure the shift in best-fit parameters when fitting delensed versus lensed spectra; while this shift does not inform our ability to measure cosmological parameters, it does provide a three-way consistency check among the lensing inferred from the best-fit parameters, the lensing in the CMB power spectrum, and the reconstructed lensing map. This shift is predicted to be zero when fitting with the correct model since both lensed and delensed spectra originate from the same region of sky. Fitting with a ΛCDM model and marginalizing over foregrounds, we find that the shift in cosmological parameters is consistent with zero. Our results show that gravitational lensing of the microwave background is internally consistent within the framework of the standard cosmological model.



我们提出 ΛCDM宇宙学参数约束条件是从消隐的微波背景功率谱获得的。来自阿塔卡马宇宙望远镜(ACT)的DR4数据子集的透镜图用于消除在150 GHz和98 GHz观察到的ACT光谱中的透镜效应。在150 GHz频率下,我们以30%(TT),30%(EE),26%(TE)和20%(BB)的有效效率消除了镜头畸变;这导致检测到显着性效应分别为8.7σ(TT),5.1σ(EE),2.6σ(TE)和2.4σ(BB)。150和98 GHz TTEETE的组合标准ΛCDM模型很好地拟合了脱镜光谱。我们还测量了将脱光光谱与透镜光谱进行拟合时,最佳拟合参数的变化;虽然这种变化并不能说明我们测量宇宙学参数的能力,但它确实提供了从最佳拟合参数,CMB功率谱中的透镜和重构的透镜图推断出的透镜之间的三向一致性检查。当拟合正确的模型时,此偏移量预计为零,因为透镜化的透镜和去角质的光谱都来自同一天空区域。拟合ΛCDM模型并在前景上边缘化,我们发现宇宙学参数的偏移与零一致。我们的结果表明,在标准宇宙学模型的框架内,微波背景的引力透镜在内部是一致的。
