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Quantification of biotin in plasma samples by column switching liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-19 , DOI: 10.1080/00365513.2020.1871504
Allan Weimann 1 , Peter Plomgaard 2 , Linda M Hilsted 2 , Henrik E Poulsen 1, 3 , Emil L Larsen 1


Biotin (or Vitamin B7) is a vitamin where deficiency can be caused by inadequate intake. Biotin deficiency is rare, as most people get enough biotin from diet, since many foods contain biotin. In addition to biotin from food, intestinal bacteria can synthesize biotin, which can then be absorbed by the body. Supplementation with biotin has been advocated, mainly due to proposed beneficial effects on skin, nail and hair growth. There is no evidence that high biotin intakes are toxic, but a high intake may interfere with diagnostic assays that use biotin-streptavidin technology. These tests are commonly used to measure plasma concentrations of a wide range of hormones. Erroneous results may lead to misdiagnosis of various endocrine disorders. Supplementation with high-dose biotin has been used experimental for the treatment of diseases (e.g. multiple sclerosis) and high doses are used to obtain effect on nail and hair growth. On this background a demand for tests to determine if there is a risk of obtaining false test results when using biotin-streptavidin based tests have appeared. In this paper we present a method based on column switching liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the quantification of biotin in plasma and serum and explore the effects of biotin on an immunoassay based on biotin strept(avidin) chemistry.




生物素(或维生素 B7)是一种维生素,由于摄入不足可能导致缺乏。生物素缺乏症很少见,因为大多数人从饮食中获得足够的生物素,因为许多食物都含有生物素。除了食物中的生物素外,肠道细菌还能合成生物素,然后被人体吸收。一直提倡补充生物素,主要是由于对皮肤、指甲和头发生长的有益作用。没有证据表明高生物素摄入量是有毒的,但高摄入量可能会干扰使用生物素-链霉亲和素技术的诊断分析。这些测试通常用于测量各种激素的血浆浓度。错误的结果可能导致对各种内分泌失调的误诊。补充高剂量生物素已被用于治疗疾病的实验(例如 多发性硬化症)和高剂量用于获得对指甲和头发生长的影响。在此背景下,出现了对确定在使用基于生物素-链霉亲和素的测试时是否存在获得错误测试结果的风险的测试的需求。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于柱切换液相色谱串联质谱法定量血浆和血清中生物素的方法,并探讨了生物素对基于生物素链霉(抗生物素蛋白)化学的免疫测定的影响。
