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Corrigendum: New Species of Saprobic Labyrinthulea (=Labyrinthulomycota) and the Erection of a gen. nov. to Resolve Molecular Polphyly within the Aplanochytrids
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1111/jeu.12829
Brandon T. Hassett 1 , Rolf Gradinger 1

In the article: Hassett, B.T., Gradinger, R. 2018. New species of saprobic Labyrinthulea (=Labyrinthulomycota) and the erection of a gen. nov. to resolve molecular polphyly within the aplanochytrids. Journal or Eukaryotic Microbiology, 65: 475–483. We accidently introduced a typo into a reference by utilizing the received year, as opposed to the year of publication. Additionally, we incorrectly used terminology developed to describe the morphology of thraustochytrids, which we then propagated throughout the manuscript. Lastly, we unintentionally mixed-up two in-text citations in reference to works published by the same author, both of which were originally included in the Works Cited. Page 477, 478, 480 Says: Brower 1986 Should read: Bower 1987 Page 482 Says: Brower, S. M. 1986. Labyrinthuloides haliotidis n. sp. (Protozoa: Labyrinthomorpha), a pathogenic parasite of small juvenile abalone in a British Columbia mariculture facility. Can. J. Zool., 65:1996–2007. Should read: Bower, S. M. 1987. Labyrinthuloides haliotidis n. sp. (Protozoa: Labyrinthomorpha), a pathogenic parasite of small juvenile abalone in a British Columbia mariculture facility. Can. J. Zool., 65:1996–2007. Page 477, 478 Says: emend Leander et al. 2004 Should read: emend Leander and Porter 2000 Page 478, 479 All instances of “cytoplasmic thread(s)” and “cytoplasmic nets” are actually in reference to ectoplasmic thread(s) and ectoplasmic nets. The corrections do not influence the overall results or the conclusions of the original publication. As we anticipate future taxonomists referencing this manuscript, we thought it was essential to correct these mistakes.


勘误:新的腐生迷宫(=Labyrinthulomycota)和一个基因的勃起。十一月 解析 Aplanochytrids 内的分子多聚体

在文章中:Hassett, BT, Gradinger, R. 2018 年。新的腐生 Labyrinthulea(=Labyrinthulomycota)物种和基因的勃起。十一月 解析 aplanochytrids 内的分子多态。期刊或真核微生物学,65:475-483。我们通过使用收到的年份而不是出版年份意外地在参考文献中引入了拼写错误。此外,我们错误地使用了为描述破囊壶菌的形态而开发的术语,然后我们在整个手稿中传播了这些术语。最后,我们无意中混淆了引用同一作者发表的作品的两个文本引用,这两个引用最初都包含在 Works Cited 中。第 477、478、480 页说:Brower 1986 应为:Bower 1987 第 482 页说:Brower,SM 1986。Labyrinthuloides haliotidis n。sp. (原生动物:Labyrinthomorpha),不列颠哥伦比亚省海水养殖设施中的小鲍鱼幼年病原寄生虫。能。J. Zool., 65:1996-2007。应阅读:Bower, SM 1987. Labyrinthuloides haliotidis n。sp. (原生动物:Labyrinthomorpha),一种不列颠哥伦比亚省海水养殖设施中小鲍鱼幼年的致病寄生虫。能。J. Zool., 65:1996-2007。第 477、478 页说:修正 Leander 等人。2004 应为:修改 Leander 和 Porter 2000 第 478, 479 页 “细胞质线”和“细胞质网”的所有实例实际上都是指外质线和外质网。更正不会影响整体结果或原始出版物的结论。当我们预计未来的分类学家会参考这份手稿时,我们认为纠正这些错误至关重要。