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The consistency of individual centrality across time and networks in wild vervet monkeys
American Journal of Primatology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-19 , DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23232
Charlotte Canteloup 1, 2, 3 , Ivan Puga-Gonzalez 4, 5 , Cédric Sueur 6, 7 , Erica van de Waal 1, 2

Previous primate social network studies largely limited their focus to grooming and/or aggression networks, particularly among adult females. In addition, the consistency of individuals' network centrality across time and/or different networks has received little attention, despite this being critical for a global understanding of dynamic social structure. Here, we analyzed the grooming, aggression, and play social networks of a group of 26–28 wild vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus), including adults and juveniles, over two periods of 6 months. We collected data on grooming, play, and aggression using focal animal sampling with instantaneous recording and ad libitum sampling. We examined whether individuals' network centralities were consistent over the two periods and across networks, as well as the effect of age, sex, and dominance rank on three individual centrality metrics in each network and within each study period. We found that individuals were quite consistent in their network position from 1 year to the next despite changes in group composition. However, their network centralities were not correlated across networks, except for Strength and weighted Eigenvector centrality between grooming and aggression networks. We also found that in the aggression network, high‐rankers showed the highest centrality in most network metrics (e.g., Degree, Strength, and Eigenvector centrality) and compared to males, females were most central in 2017 but not in 2018. In the grooming network, high‐ranking females had the highest Eigenvector centrality, whereas in the play network, juvenile males had the highest Eigenvector centrality. Our findings corroborate previous findings on vervet monkeys. In addition, they show that individuals' network centralities may vary among networks and over time; thus highlighting the effect of sociodemographics and behaviors' functions on the group level dynamics of social behavior.



先前的灵长类动物社交网络研究在很大程度上将其重点局限于修饰和/或攻击性网络,尤其是在成年女性中。另外,尽管跨网络和/或跨不同网络的个人网络中心性的一致性很少受到关注,尽管这对于全球了解动态社会结构至关重要。在这里,我们分析了26-28只野生黑长尾猴(Chlorocebus pygerythrus)的修饰,侵略和社交网络)(包括成人和青少年),为期六个月,为期两个月。我们使用局灶动物采样,瞬时记录和随意采样来收集有关修饰,游戏和侵略性的数据。我们检查了两个时期内以及整个网络中个人的网络中心性是否一致,以及年龄,性别和主导地位对每个网络中以及每个研究期内的三个个人中心性指标的影响。我们发现,尽管小组组成发生了变化,但从一年到下一年,每个人的网络位置都非常一致。但是,除了修饰和攻击性网络之间的强度和加权特征向量中心性之外,它们的网络中心性在整个网络中没有关联。我们还发现,在侵略网络中,在大多数网络指标(例如,度,强度和特征向量中心度)中,最高排名者的中心度最高,与男性相比,女性在2017年处于中心地位,而在2018年则没有。在美容网络中,最高等级的女性具有最高的地位特征向量中心性,而在游戏网络中,少年男性的特征向量中心性最高。我们的发现证实了先前关于黑长尾猴的发现。此外,它们表明,个人的网络中心可能随网络的不同而不同。从而突出了社会人口统计学和行为功能对社会行为群体水平动态的影响。高级女性的特征向量中心性最高,而在游戏网络中,少年男性的特征向量中心性最高。我们的发现证实了先前关于黑长尾猴的发现。此外,它们表明,个人的网络中心可能随网络的不同而不同。因此,强调了社会人口统计学和行为功能对社会行为群体水平动态的影响。高级女性的特征向量中心性最高,而在游戏网络中,少年男性的特征向量中心性最高。我们的发现证实了先前关于黑长尾猴的发现。此外,它们表明,个人的网络中心可能随网络的不同而不同。因此,强调了社会人口统计学和行为功能对社会行为群体水平动态的影响。