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The temporal variability of hydrothermal activity of Wocan hydrothermal field, Carlsberg Ridge, northwest Indian Ocean
Ore Geology Reviews ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.103999
Zhongyan Qiu , Xiqiu Han , Mou Li , Yejian Wang , Xuegang Chen , Weijia Fan , Yadong Zhou , Ruyong Cui , Lisheng Wang

The Wocan is a basalt-hosted hydrothermal field on the slow-spreading Carlsberg Ridge (CR), northwest Indian Ocean. It consists of two hydrothermal sites: Wocan-1 which is active, and Wocan-2 which is inactive. Three push-cores collected by the manned submersible Jiaolong from these two sites were investigated on their mineralogy, geochemistry, Pb-Sr isotopes, and chronology to understand the characteristics of hydrothermal sediments and their hydrothermal history. Core JL125-S17 (26-cm long) was collected from the Wocan-1 site with its lithology characterized by metalliferous sediments, mainly composed of sulfides, sulfates, Fe-oxides, and Fe-oxyhydroxides. Cores JL123-S03 (18-cm long) and JL124-S04 (20 cm long) were retrieved from the Wocan-2 site, mainly composed of calcareous oozes. Geochemically, Wocan-1 sediments exhibit strong metal and S enrichment. Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Pb, Zn, and S are mainly incorporated into sulfides, while As, Ga, Mo, P, U, and V are mainly scavenged from seawater by Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides. In contrast, Wocan-2 sediments are rich in Ca and have much lower heavy metal content. The temporal variations of hydrothermal metal fluxes, which corrected for lithogenic input with Ti show that the intensity of hydrothermal activity at the Wocan-1 site has been extremely strong over the past ∼1069 years, with hydrothermal Fe (FeH) fluxes varying from 9483 to 10834 mg·cm-2·kyr-1. During this period, 699–1069 yr BP and 0–411 yr BP represent two stages of increased hydrothermal activity. The Wocan-2 site has been inactive since 4864±114 years before present (yr BP) but the cores still contained weak hydrothermal signatures evidenced by a slightly elevated flux of FeH at the base of the cores, which could be explained by the mineralization of low-temperature diffuse flow and distal plume fall-out from Wocan-1.



沃康(Wocan)是印度洋西北部缓慢扩张的嘉士伯山脊(CR)上玄武岩托管的热液田。它由两个热液位点组成:处于活动状态的Wocan-1和处于非活动状态的Wocan-2。载人潜水艇Jia龙收集的三个推芯通过对这两个地点的矿物学,地球化学,Pb-Sr同位素和年代学进行了研究,以了解热液沉积物的特征及其热液历史。JL125-S17岩心(长26厘米)是从Wocan-1站点收集的,其岩性特征是含金属的沉积物,主要由硫化物,硫酸盐,Fe-氧化物和Fe-羟基氧化物组成。从Wocan-2站点取回岩心JL123-S03(长18厘米)和JL124-S04(长20厘米),主要由钙质软泥组成。从地球化学来看,Wocan-1沉积物表现出强金属和S富集。Ag,As,Cd,Co,Cu,Fe,Mg,Pb,Zn和S主要掺入硫化物中,而As,Ga,Mo,P,U和V主要通过Fe-Mn羟基氧化物从海水中清除。相反,Wocan-2沉积物富含Ca,重金属含量低得多。H)通量从9483到10834 mg·cm -2 ·kyr -1不等。在此期间,699-1069年BP和0-411年BP代表了热液活动增加的两个阶段。Wocan-2站自4864±114年以前(现BP)以来一直没有活动,但岩心仍含有弱热液特征,岩心底部Fe H的通量略有上升,这可以通过矿化来解释。 Wocan-1的低温扩散流和远端羽流沉降。
