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Three cultural contrasts in search of specificities and commonalities: Acculturation in Japanese, South American, and South Korean immigrant families
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.appdev.2021.101242
Linda R Cote 1 , Marc H Bornstein 2, 3, 4

Three cultural comparisons address specificities and commonalities in the acculturation of infant behaviors and maternal parenting practices. Immigrant Japanese, Korean, and South American families were compared to nonmigrant families in their respective cultures of origin (Japan, South Korea, and South America) and their single common culture of destination (United States). Altogether, 13 infant behaviors and 15 maternal parenting practices in 408 5½-month-old infants and their mothers were examined. About half of infants' and half of mothers' behaviors showed specificity and half commonality in group-level acculturation comparisons. Immigrant infants differed from infants in their cultures of origin and destination with respect to emotional expression, vocalization, and physical development. Immigrant mothers differed from mothers in their cultures of origin and destination in speech to their infants, permitted sounds in the environment, and encouraging infants' physical development. Implications of specificity and commonality in acculturation of infant and mother behaviors across groups are discussed.



三种文化比较解决了婴儿行为文化适应和母亲养育实践的特殊性和共性。将日本、韩国和南美移民家庭与他们各自的原籍文化(日本、韩国和南美)以及他们共同的目的地文化(美国)的非移民家庭进行了比较。总共检查了 408 名 5.5 个月大的婴儿及其母亲的 13 种婴儿行为和 15 种母亲养育方式。在群体水平的文化适应比较中,大约一半的婴儿和一半的母亲的行为表现出特异性和一半的共同性。在情感表达、发声和身体发育方面,移民婴儿与原籍和目的地文化中的婴儿不同。移民母亲在对婴儿说话、允许环境中的声音以及鼓励婴儿的身体发育方面,在他们的原籍和目的地文化方面与母亲不同。讨论了跨群体的婴儿和母亲行为文化适应的特殊性和共性的含义。
