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Effects of toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella on sexual maturation and reproductive output in the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
Aquatic Toxicology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2021.105745
Xu Gao 1 , Cuimin Mu 2 , Qi Li 3

Marine bivalves which feed mainly on microalgae could accumulate toxins during harmful algal blooms, posing a health hazard to humans and other animals through food chains. The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is the globally dominant farmed bivalves in the world. In order to benefit sustainable development of the oyster aquaculture, we assessed the effects of an artificial bloom of the toxin-producing dinoflagellate, Alexandrium catenella, upon sexual maturation in C. gigas. Oysters were exposed to A. catenella from April to June in 2012, and compared to a control batch of oysters fed with Isochrysis galbana. During the exposure, clearance, histological observations, biochemical composition as well as embryonic development were measured. The results indicated that A. catenella could be a food source, and inhibited the clearance rate of C. gigas for I. galbana. Significant pathological changes in the form of degeneration in adductor muscles, mantle, ovary and tubules and several inflammatory responses were observed in C. gigas when exposed to harmful microalga. The exposure of A. catenella had negative effects on assimilation, biochemical composition and so as the reproduction. The results of this study demonstrated that toxic microalga can affect “quality’’ of eggs and the consequences, in terms of fertility, embryo and larval output.



主要以微藻为食的海洋双壳类动物可能会在有害藻华期间积累毒素,通过食物链对人类和其他动物的健康造成危害。太平洋牡蛎( Crassostrea gigas )是世界上占主导地位的养殖双壳类动物。为了有利于牡蛎养殖业的可持续发展,我们评估了人工繁殖产生毒素的甲藻链状亚历山大藻巨牡蛎性成熟的影响。 2012 年 4 月至 6 月,牡蛎暴露于链状金藻,并与用等鞭金藻喂养的对照批次牡蛎进行比较。在暴露期间,测量了清除率、组织学观察、生化成分以及胚胎发育。结果表明, A. catenella可以作为食物来源,并抑制C. gigasI. galbana的清除率。当巨藻接触有害微藻时,观察到内收肌、外套膜、卵巢和肾小管退化等显着病理变化以及多种炎症反应。链状线虫的暴露对同化、生化成分和繁殖产生负面影响。这项研究的结果表明,有毒微藻会影响卵子的“质量”以及生育力、胚胎和幼虫产出方面的后果。
