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Eye gaze differences in school scenes between preschool children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder and those with typical development
BioPsychoSocial Medicine ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1186/s13030-020-00203-w
Yuko Ishizaki , Takahiro Higuchi , Yoshitoki Yanagimoto , Hodaka Kobayashi , Atsushi Noritake , Kae Nakamura , Kazunari Kaneko

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may experience difficulty adapting to daily life in a preschool or school settings and are likely to develop psychosomatic symptoms. For a better understanding of the difficulties experienced daily by preschool children and adolescents with ASD, this study investigated differences in eye gaze behavior in the classroom environment between children with ASD and those with typical development (TD). The study evaluated 30 children with ASD and 49 children with TD. Participants were presented with images of a human face and a classroom scene. While they gazed at specific regions of visual stimuli, eye tracking with an iView X system was used to evaluate and compare the duration of gaze time between the two groups. Compared with preschool children with TD, preschool children with ASD spent less time gazing at the eyes of the human face and the object at which the teacher pointed in the classroom image. Preschool children with TD who had no classroom experience tended to look at the object the teacher pointed at in the classroom image. Children with ASD did not look at the human eyes in the facial image or the object pointed at in the classroom image, which may indicate their inability to analyze situations, understand instruction in a classroom, or act appropriately in a group. This suggests that this gaze behavior of children with ASD causes social maladaptation and psychosomatic symptoms. A therapeutic approach that focuses on joint attention is desirable for improving the ability of children with ASD to adapt to their social environment.



自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的儿童在学龄前或学校环境中可能会遇到适应日常生活的困难,并可能出现心身症状。为了更好地了解ASD的学龄前儿童和青少年每天所遇到的困难,本研究调查了ASD患儿与典型发育(TD)患儿在教室环境中的视线行为差异。该研究评估了30名ASD儿童和49名TD儿童。向参与者展示了人脸和教室场景的图像。当他们凝视特定的视觉刺激区域时,使用iView X系统进行的眼动追踪评估和比较了两组之间凝视时间的持续时间。与学龄前儿童的TD相比,患有自闭症的学龄前儿童花更少的时间凝视着人脸和老师在教室图像中所指对象的眼睛。缺乏TD经验的学龄前儿童没有课堂经验,往往会看老师在教室图像中指出的对象。患有自闭症的孩子没有看面部图像或教室图像中指向的对象的人眼,这可能表明他们无法分析情况,无法理解教室中的教学内容或无法在小组中适当地行动。这表明,自闭症儿童的这种凝视行为会引起社交适应不良和心身症状。需要一种集中于共同注意力的治疗方法,以提高ASD儿童适应其社会环境的能力。