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Impact of body mass index on intracytoplasmic sperm injection in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
Zygote ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s0967199420000830
Stanly Kamardi 1 , Ign Harry Wijaya Surya 1 , I Nyoman Bayu Mahendra 1 , Ib Putra Adnyana 1, 2 , Anom Suardika 1, 2 , Nono Tondohusodo 1, 2 , Jaqueline Sudiman 2, 3

Summary Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects fertility. There are two types of PCOS; the normal/lean type and overweight/obese type. The aim of this study was to assess baseline characteristics, ovarian response, quality of oocytes, embryos, pregnancy, implantation and live birth rates in normal/lean and overweight/obese patients with PCOS undergoing ICSI compared with patients without PCOS. This retrospective case–control analytical study included 38 normal/lean and 17 overweight/obese patients with PCOS, and 98 normal/lean and 17 overweight/obese patients without PCOS. Parameters were observed based on baseline characteristics, ovarian response to dosage and duration of gonadotropin administered, number of oocytes, matured oocytes, fertilization rate, embryo quality and development, pregnancy, implantation and live birth rates. Basal serum luteinizing hormone in normal/lean PCOS was significantly higher compared with non-PCOS groups. Total dosage of gonadotropin used was significantly lower in normal/lean PCOS compared with other groups. End estradiol levels in normal/lean PCOS was significantly higher compared with the non-PCOS groups. Number of follicles, retrieved oocytes and matured oocytes were significantly higher in PCOS groups compared with the non-PCOS groups. However, there were no differences in fertilized oocytes, cleavage, number of top-quality embryos, pregnancy, implantation, and live birth rates among groups. This present study suggests that normal/lean PCOS requires lower gonadotropin dosages and that patients with PCOS have more follicles and oocytes compared with patients without PCOS, however the number of fertilized oocytes and embryos from patients with PCOS were the same as those from patients without PCOS and suggested that the quality of retrieved oocytes in PCOS might be compromised.



总结 多囊卵巢综合征 (PCOS) 是一种影响生育能力的疾病。PCOS有两种类型;正常/瘦型和超重/肥胖型。本研究的目的是评估与没有 PCOS 的患者相比,接受 ICSI 的正常/瘦和超重/肥胖 PCOS 患者的基线特征、卵巢反应、卵母细胞质量、胚胎质量、妊娠率、植入率和活产率。这项回顾性病例对照分析研究包括 38 名正常/瘦和 17 名超重/肥胖的 PCOS 患者,以及 98 名正常/瘦和 17 名超重/肥胖没有 PCOS 的患者。根据基线特征、卵巢对促性腺激素给药剂量和持续时间的反应、卵母细胞数量、成熟卵母细胞、受精率、胚胎质量和发育、妊娠、植入率和活产率。与非 PCOS 组相比,正常/瘦 PCOS 组的基础血清黄体生成素显着升高。与其他组相比,正常/瘦 PCOS 中使用的促性腺激素总剂量显着降低。与非 PCOS 组相比,正常/瘦 PCOS 的最终雌二醇水平显着升高。与非PCOS组相比,PCOS组的卵泡数、回收卵母细胞数和成熟卵母细胞数显着增加。然而,在受精卵母细胞、卵裂、优质胚胎数量、妊娠、植入和活产率方面,各组之间没有差异。本研究表明,正常/瘦 PCOS 需要较低的促性腺激素剂量,并且与没有 PCOS 的患者相比,患有 PCOS 的患者有更多的卵泡和卵母细胞,