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Bilateral Luxatio Erecta: An Atypical Presentation at the Emergency Department
Case Reports in Orthopedic Research Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1159/000510709
Miguel Quesado , Diogo Soares , João Afonso , Daniel Lopes , Fernando Silva , Jorge Mendes

Bilateral luxatio erecta remains a rare condition, with less than 30 cases currently described in the literature. The authors present a case of bilateral inferior glenohumeral dislocation after a fall with low-energy trauma, treated with closed reduction and immobilization for 3 weeks followed by a physiotherapy program for functional rehabilitation. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient presented satisfactory results with a complete recovery of the previous mobility arch of both shoulders.
Case Rep Orthop Res 2021;4:1–5



Case Rep Orthop Res 2021; 4:1-5