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Motivating voluntary compliance to behavioural restrictions: Self-determination theory–based checklist of principles for COVID-19 and other emergency communications
European Review of Social Psychology ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1080/10463283.2020.1857082
Frank Martela 1 , Nelli Hankonen 2 , Richard M. Ryan 3 , Maarten Vansteenkiste 4


An effective response to crises like the COVID-19 pandemic is dependent on the public voluntarily adhering to governmental rules and guidelines. How the guidelines are communicated can significantly affect whether people will experience a sense of self-initiation and volition, protecting compliance from eroding. From the perspective of Self-Determination Theory, a broad theory on human motivation and its interpersonal determinants, effective communication involves the delicate combination of providing rules and structure in a caring and autonomy-supportive way. Research in applied domains from public messaging to education and health has shown that when social agents set limits in more autonomy-supportive, caring, and competence-fostering ways, it predicts autonomous forms of compliance, which in turn predict greater adherence and long-term persistence. Building on SDT, integrated with insights from social identity theory, we derive a practice-focused checklist with key communication guidelines to foster voluntary compliance in national crises such as the prevention of COVID-19 spread.


激励自愿遵守行为限制:基于自决理论的 COVID-19 和其他紧急通信原则清单


对 COVID-19 大流行等危机的有效应对取决于公众自愿遵守政府规则和指导方针。指导方针的传达方式可以显着影响人们是否会体验到一种自我发起和意志的感觉,从而保护合规性不受侵蚀。从自我决定理论(一种关于人类动机及其人际决定因素的广泛理论)的角度来看,有效的沟通涉及以关怀和自主支持的方式提供规则和结构的微妙组合。从公共信息到教育和健康的应用领域的研究表明,当社会代理以更支持自主、关怀和培养能力的方式设置限制时,它预测了自主形式的遵从性,这反过来又预示着更大的依从性和长期的持久性。在 SDT 的基础上,结合社会认同理论的见解,我们得出了一个以实践为中心的清单,其中包含关键的沟通指南,以促进在国家危机(例如预防 COVID-19 传播)中的自愿遵守。
