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Holocene Moisture Variability and Its Lagged Response to Summer Insolation Revealed by Eolian Deposits in the Lake Qinghai Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1029/2020pa004085
Zhiyong Ding 1, 2 , Ruijie Lu 1, 2 , Lindong Wang 1, 2

The evolution of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) and its mechanism since the Holocene remains controversial. Here, we investigate four eolian sediment sequences in the Lake Qinghai Basin (LQB), Northeastern Tibetan Plateau (NETP), in the marginal zone of the modern EASM. The results indicate that paleoclimatological interpretation of the color parameters and CaCO3 in eolian sand‐paleosol sequence from LQB region are different from the loess‐paleosol sequence in Loess Plateau, and a comprehensive analysis that combines lithostratigraphic and other proxy data is required. Changes in the EASM dominated climate change in the NETP, with a gradual increase in moisture from the beginning of the early‐Holocene, however the environment was relatively cold and dry with strong regional eolian sand activity. During 8.5–3.3 ka, the intensity of the EASM and effective moisture levels in the LQB reached a peak. Eolian activity was weak and dunes were effectively fixed in place, while pedogenesis processes were enhanced and paleosols developed widely across the region. Moisture levels decreased after 3.3 ka and the dunes were reactivated, eolian activity was enhanced, and there was extensive accumulation of eolian sand and sandy loess. These records show that moisture variability has been controlled by the EASM system in east Asia since at least the Holocene, and has generally responded to changes in northern hemisphere summer insolation with a lag of 3–5 ka, through mechanisms that are modulated by high‐latitude ice‐volume forcing and large‐scale ocean‐atmospheric circulation patterns.



自全新世以来东亚夏季风(EASM)的演变及其机制仍存在争议。在这里,我们研究了青藏高原东北部(NETP)青海湖盆地(LQB)在现代EASM边缘地区的四个风沙沉积序列。结果表明,古气候学对颜色参数和CaCO 3的解释LQB区风沙-古土壤序列与黄土高原的黄土-古土壤序列不同,需要综合结合岩性地层学和其他替代资料的综合分析。EASM的变化主导了NETP中的气候变化,从早全新世开始开始,水分逐渐增加,但是环境相对寒冷和干燥,区域风沙活动很强。在8.5–3.3 ka期间,EASM的强度和LQB中的有效水分含量达到峰值。风尘活动很弱,沙丘被有效地固定到位,而成岩作用得到了加强,古土壤在该地区广泛发育。3.3 ka和沙丘重新活化后,水分含量降低,风积活性增强,风沙和黄土沙土大量堆积。这些记录表明,至少从全新世以来,东亚地区的EASM系统一直控制着湿度变化,并且通过高强度调节机制,响应了北半球夏季日照的变化,滞后时间为3-5 ka。纬度冰量强迫和大规模海洋-大气环流模式。