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The mineralogic and isotopic fingerprint of equatorial carbonates: Kepulauan Seribu, Indonesia
International Journal of Earth Sciences ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s00531-020-01968-9
Dwi Amanda Utami , Lars Reuning , Maximillian Hallenberger , Sri Yudawati Cahyarini

Kepulauan Seribu is an isolated patch reef complex situated in the Java Sea (Indonesia) and is a typical example for a humid, equatorial carbonate system. We investigate the mineralogical and isotopic fingerprint of Panggang, one of the reef platforms of Kepulauan Seribu, to evaluate differences to other carbonate systems, using isotope in combination with XRD and SEM analysis. A characteristic property of shallow water (< 20 m) sediments from Kepulauan Seribu is their increased LMC content (~ 10%) derived from some genera of rotaliid foraminifers and bivalves. The relative abundance of these faunal elements in shallow waters might be related to at least temporary turbid conditions caused by sediment-laden river runoff. This influence is also evidenced by the presence of low amounts of siliciclastic minerals below the regional wave base. Kepulauan Seribu carbonates are characterized by very low δ13C and δ18O values. This is related to the isotopically depleted riverine input. The δ13CDIC in riverine water is reduced by the contribution of 12C from riverside mangroves. Deep atmospheric convection and intensive rains contribute 18O-depleted freshwater in the river catchments, finally reducing salinity in the Java Sea. The depleted δ13C signature in carbonates is further enhanced by the lack of green algae and inorganic carbonates and abundance of coral debris. Low δ18O values in carbonates are favored by the high water temperatures in the equatorial setting. Since equatorial carbonates in SE Asia, including the Java Sea, are typically influenced by high turbidity and/or river runoff, the observed distinctively low isotope values likely are characteristic for equatorial carbonate systems in the region.


赤道碳酸盐的矿物学和同位素指纹:印度尼西亚Kepulauan Seribu

Kepulauan Seribu是位于爪哇海(印度尼西亚)的一个孤立的礁石综合体,是赤道湿润的碳酸盐系统的典型例子。我们使用同位素结合X射线衍射和SEM分析技术,研究了Kepulauan Seribu的珊瑚礁平台之一庞岗的矿物学和同位素指纹图,以评估与其他碳酸盐体系的差异。来自Kepulauan Seribu的浅水(<20 m)沉积物的一个特征是它们的LMC含量增加了(〜10%),它们来自一些轮状有孔虫和双壳类。这些动物元素在浅水中的相对丰度可能至少与由含沙量的河流径流引起的暂时浑浊状况有关。这种影响还可以通过在区域波基以下的少量硅质碎屑矿物的存在来证明。13 C和δ 18个O值。这与同位素枯竭的河流输入有关。的δ 13 C ^ DIC在河流的水通过的贡献减少12 C来自河边红树林。深层大气对流和强降雨导致河流集水区的18 O消耗淡水,最终降低了爪哇海的盐度。贫化的δ 13在碳酸盐Ç签名是由缺乏绿藻和无机碳酸盐和珊瑚碎片丰度进一步增强。低Δ 18赤道环境中的高水温有利于碳酸盐中的O值。由于东南亚(包括爪哇海)的赤道碳酸盐通常受高浊度和/或河流径流的影响,因此观察到的同位素值极低可能是该地区赤道碳酸盐系统的特征。
