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Impact of climate change on pastoralists’ resilience and sustainable mitigation in Punjab, Pakistan
Environment, Development and Sustainability ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10668-020-01119-9
Dilshad Ahmad , Muhammad Afzal

Climate change has adversely affected pastoral community in Pakistan through increased severity of livestock diseases, floods, and drought. These climatic hazards caused extensive livestock loss and worsen livelihood of pastoralists’ households. Pastoralists are higher vulnerable to these climate shocks and livestock major source of their nutrition and income. This research work focused to analyze the factors affecting resilience of pastoral community in Punjab province of Pakistan. Understanding shocks of climate change in historical perspective of pastoral community, consultation for key information, and focus group discussions were managed. The study collected data of 768 pastoral households’ regarding pastoral shocks experience, long-term adaptation measures, and coping strategies through external support for resilience upright. Principal component analysis was used for construction of resilience index of pastoral households. In estimating institutional factors, adaptive practice and socio-demographic effects on pastoral households’ resilience structured probit regression were employed in the study. Extension services access, availability of adequate formal credit, pastoral household income, schooling years and adaptive practice like afforestation, the practice of ethno-veterinary, improved stock breeding, beekeeping, enclosures, and grazing of crop fields post-harvest affect significantly and positively in developing pastoral household resilience to shocks. In the past scenario long-term adaptation strategies, policy measures ignored, while investment priority was focused on risk-reducing measures. To enhance long-run pastoral household resilience status regarding climate change shocks, there is need for direct investment to increase adaptive capacity pastoral community.



气候变化导致牲畜疾病、洪水和干旱的严重程度增加,对巴基斯坦的牧区产生了不利影响。这些气候灾害造成了大量牲畜损失并恶化了牧民家庭的生计。牧民更容易受到这些气候冲击的影响,而牲畜是他们营养和收入的主要来源。本研究工作的重点是分析影响巴基斯坦旁遮普省牧区社区复原力的因素。管理从牧区历史角度理解气候变化的冲击、关键信息咨询和焦点小组讨论。该研究收集了 768 个牧民家庭关于牧区冲击经历、长期适应措施以及通过外部支持对正直恢复力的应对策略的数据。采用主成分分析法构建牧户韧性指数。在估计制度因素时,研究采用了适应性实践和社会人口学对牧民复原力结构化概率回归的影响。推广服务的获得、足够的正规信贷的可获得性、牧民家庭收入、学年和适应性实践,如植树造林、民族兽医实践、改良的畜牧业、养蜂、围栏和收获后的农田放牧对农业产生显着和积极的影响。培养牧民家庭抵御冲击的能力。在过去的情景长期适应战略中,政策措施被忽视,而投资重点放在降低风险的措施上。