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Self-reported experiences and consequences of unfair treatment by police*
Criminology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-9125.12269
Christopher R. Dennison 1 , Jessica G. Finkeldey 2

This study uses data from the most recent wave of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (wave V of Add Health) to examine the predictors of experiencing unfair treatment by police. It also considers the degree to which unfair police treatment is associated with a range of social-psychological and behavioral outcomes in adulthood, including depressive symptoms, self-efficacy, suicide ideation, and drug use. Finally, this study examines whether any of the relationships between unfair police treatment and adult outcomes differ by race and ethnicity. Most broadly, results suggest that the odds of reporting ever experiencing unfair treatment by police are disproportionately higher among minorities (and more specifically non-Latino Blacks), men, and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Furthermore, such experiences are detrimental to all of the social-psychological and behavioral outcomes in adulthood, even after accounting for the differences in who is most likely to experience unfair police treatment via propensity score methods. Lastly, some of these consequences seem to be more pronounced among non-Latino Whites compared with non-Latino Blacks, which we believe is attributable to the unfortunate reality that unfair police contact continues to be a normative life-course event for Black people in the United States.



本研究使用最近一波全国青少年到成人健康纵向研究(Add Health 的第 V 波)的数据来检查遭受警察不公平待遇的预测因素。它还考虑了不公平的警察待遇与成年期一系列社会心理和行为结果的相关程度,包括抑郁症状、自我效能感、自杀意念和吸毒。最后,这项研究检查了不公平警察待遇与成人结果之间的任何关系是否因种族和民族而异。更广泛地说,结果表明,在少数族裔(尤其是非拉丁裔黑人)、男性和社会经济背景较低的人群中,报告遭受警察不公平待遇的几率要高得多。此外,这种经历对成年后的所有社会心理和行为结果都是有害的,即使在通过倾向评分方法考虑了谁最有可能受到警察不公平待遇的差异之后也是如此。最后,与非拉丁裔黑人相比,其中一些后果在非拉丁裔白人中似乎更为明显,我们认为这归因于不幸的现实,即不公平的警察接触仍然是黑人在生活中的规范事件。美国。