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Incentives Can’t Buy Me Knowledge: The Missing Effects of Appreciation and Aligned Performance Appraisals on Knowledge Sharing of Public Employees
Review of Public Personnel Administration ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1177/0734371x20986839
Caroline Fischer 1

This study examines whether incentives affect public employees’ intention to share knowledge. Tested incentives satisfy needs for either achievement or appreciation. Both treatments were tested on implicit as well as explicit knowledge sharing. A 2 × 3 factorial survey experiment was designed to observe within-person and between-person effects. Data were collected from public employees in the core administration and healthcare sector (n = 623) in 2018. The analysis indicates that both treatments positively affect knowledge-sharing intention if it is explicit knowledge that ought to be shared. However, no effects of either treatment can be found in either type of knowledge sharing. No negative effect of the tested incentives on knowledge sharing was observed. Hence, incentives might not harm knowledge sharing but also do not pay off in organizational practice. In contrast to these motivation-enhancing human resource practices, ability and opportunity-enhancing practices should be tested to foster knowledge sharing.



本研究探讨了激励措施是否影响公共雇员共享知识的意图。经过考验的激励措施可以满足成就或欣赏的需求。两种处理方式均经过隐性和显性知识共享测试。设计了一个2×3阶乘调查实验,以观察人与人之间和人与人之间的影响。数据是从核心行政和医疗保健部门的公共雇员那里收集的(n = 623)。2018年的分析表明,如果应该共享显式知识,则这两种方法都会对共享知识的意图产生积极影响。但是,在任何类型的知识共享中都找不到任何一种治疗的效果。没有观察到所测试的激励措施对知识共享的负面影响。因此,激励措施可能不会损害知识共享,但也不会在组织实践中获得回报。与这些增强动力的人力资源实践相反,应该对能力和机会增强的实践进行测试,以促进知识共享。
