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Submarine basaltic eruptions across the Guadalupian-Lopingian transition in the Emeishan large igneous province: Implication for end-Guadalupian extinction of marine biota
Gondwana Research ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2020.12.025
Jiang Zhu , Zhaochong Zhang , M. Santosh , Shucheng Tan , Ziliang Jin

Massive CO2 and SO2 degassed from large igneous provinces (LIPs) are thought to cause ocean acidification and calcification crisis with a significant loss of calcified marine biota. The ocean acidification caused by the Emeishan LIP event has been proposed as one of the important factors that triggered the end-Guadalupian (Middle Permian) crisis, although the driving mechanism remains unclear. Here we represent a detailed field investigation combined with LA-ICP-MS, SIMS and CA-ID-TIMS zircon geochronology of tuffs from four volcanic sections in the eastern part of the Emeishan LIP. Our new data combined with previous results from this LIP confirm that: (i) the submarine volcanism occurred between ~260.7 Ma and ~ 257.9 Ma, with most basaltic eruptions at ~260.1 Ma to 259.5 Ma; and (ii) explosive tuff eruptions occurred during ~257.9 Ma to ~256.9 Ma in the subaerial environment. We propose a model involving SO2 release from the submarine basaltic eruptions in the Emeishan LIP as the trigger of the end-Guadalupian ocean acidification, due to the high solubility of SO2 in seawater that could produce strongly acidic conditions. The late explosive silicic volcanism in the subaerial setting during Early to Middle Wuchiapingian (Late Permian) might have been a potential strong driver of the global Wuchiapingian cooling event.



大量的CO 2和SO 2从大火成岩省(LIP)脱气被认为会导致海洋酸化和钙化危机,并导致钙化海洋生物群的大量损失。尽管驱动机理尚不清楚,但峨眉山LIP事件引起的海洋酸化被认为是引发瓜达卢普末(中二叠纪)危机的重要因素之一。在这里,我们代表了详细的野外调查,结合了峨眉山LIP东部四个火山段凝灰岩的LA-ICP-MS,SIMS和CA-ID-TIMS锆石年代学。我们的新数据结合该LIP的先前结果证实:(i)海底火山活动发生在〜260.7 Ma至〜257.9 Ma之间,大部分玄武岩喷发发生在〜260.1 Ma至259.5 Ma之间;(ii)在〜257.9 Ma至〜256之间爆发了凝灰岩爆发。在地下环境中为9 Ma。我们提出了一个涉及SO的模型由于SO 2在海水中的高溶解度可能会产生强酸性条件,因此从峨眉山LIP的海底玄武岩喷发中释放出2作为瓜达卢普末海洋酸化的触发。早于中部的五叠亚平(二叠纪晚期)在地下环境中发生的爆炸性硅质火山爆发可能是全球五叠亚平降温事件的潜在强大推动力。
